- Databases A-ZThis page provides access to frequently used databases, regardless of your location or installed browser plugins for Off-campus access. In case of subscribed content you are asked to login using UT login credentials. Use the links to Scopus and Web of Science or go through the list below to access these and other databases (e.g. patents, norms & standards, news articles and dictionaries). For potential irregularities regarding access, please consult Maintenance and Failures. A - B AAPG Datapages ABC Business Directories Academia ACM Digital Library ACS full text AIS electronic Library (AISeL) Analytical Abstracts Online APS journals ArXiv.org Astrophysics Data System (ADS) BioOne BioRxiv Business Source Complete (EBSCO) C - D CAS Analytical Methods CAS Formulas CAS Scifinder Chemiekaarten CiteSeerX Civil Engineering Database Company Dashboard DBLP Dictionaries Van Dale (online) Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Documentatiecentrum Nederlandse Politieke Partijen (DNPP) E - F EconLit (EBSCO) EDventure / Onderwijsdatabank
- Find books, e-books & moreAll books, ebooks, articles and other items in the collection of the University of Twente can be found in FindUT. For advice on using this first search tool, please consult FindUT Tips & Tricks. Books and chapters from ebooks that are not part of the UT collection can be requested via the Interlibrary Loan form. To make sure you have access to the collection of the University of Twente at all times, visit Off-campus access. Access e-books E-books in the collection of the University of Twente can be accessed through FindUT. Options for reading and downloading differ per e-book due to publishers’ restrictions. Follow the steps below to find and access e-books: Go to FindUT or use the FindUT search bar at the University Library homepage Search for the e-book with the information you have: author, ISBN, title, etc. In the list of search results items that are part of the collection display a ‘View eBook’ button. When viewing an e-book, access is offered in one of two ways: Direct access to the required e-book at the
- FindUT Tips & TricksFindUT is an application that can be used as first search tool for all content in the University Library Collection. It contains (e)-journals, articles, databases, books and more, with the option to expand your search worldwide. FindUT automatically provides access to all UT-subscribed content. For a more systematic subject search we advise to use Google Scholar or Scopus, while the Databases A-Z list provides direct access to frequently used databases. When using Google Scholar, turn on the “library links” to get access to the subscribed content. For off-campus access install the Lean Library Plugin. FindUT Tips & Tricks Use the filters in the left menu: e.g. Year, Topic, Language, Format to narrow your search. Extend your search to 'Libraries in the Netherlands' or 'Libraries Worldwide' to look beyond the UT collection. You can request items from another library via the ILL form. Click on a title to find details like availability and how to reserve a book or access a journal or e-book. Use the share button for
- Guides per disciplineFind the most important databases, encyclopedias and other sources for your discipline.
- Off-campus accessWhen on campus, access to sources the University of Twente is subscribed to (e.g. journals, book-collections, databases and platforms) will be provided automatically based on IP-address when using Eduroam or UTnet (UT fixed network). This access will not work when off-campus, as you will not be recognized as a UT member. To access content the University of Twente is subscribed to from anywhere in the world as a UT student or employee, please consult the options below. Please note that an EduVPN-connection (UT-standard) is not sufficient to get access to paid content, and that clearing browser cache (cookies and history) is sometimes necessary when access is not granted. Get access via the University Library website Databases A-Z and FindUT both make use of automatic authentication for staff/students. Visit FindUT Tips & Tricks for search tips. Install the Lean Library Plug-in The redesigned Lean Library Plug-in (download) is available for Edge, Opera, Firefox and Chrome. On Safari (MacOS 10.15 or higher) the redesigned
- Physical (book) collectionsThe University of Twente offers various physical collections of literature for study and research purposes, as well as some special collections. The collections can be found in the Vrijhof, some small collections can be found in the so-called Educafés. Vrijhof The Vrijhof houses most physical books that belong to the collection of the University Library. These books can be requested via FindUT and collected at the pick-up point of your choice. The majority of the collection is stored in closed depot in the Vrijhof building. Recent books are stored in open stacks in the quiet area and are freely accessible. Compulsory literature Compulsory literature for study programmes can be found at the Vrijhof and at the Educafés. These books are listed as studying material for courses by teaching staff. The Course Reserves tab in FindUT provides an overview of the compulsory literature of the current and previous quarters. This can be used to quickly gain insight into the availability of the literature and the restrictions
- Purchase literatureAs a teacher, researcher or student you will regularly need literature that you cannot access or borrow right away as an employee or student of the University of Twente. In case you want to have permanent access to literature that's currently not in our collection, the University Library can help you out. Please be aware that more information on accessing scientific articles can be found via Ways to get access. Literature for library collection Literature that is relevant for research and/or education at the University of Twente can be purchased by the University Library on request. The University Library purchases literature with institutional access and print books that are not for personal use but for lending. For specific procedures regarding compulsory literature, and literature for personal use please consult the dedicated sections on this page. To request new literature for the library collection, contact the Information Specialist of your faculty (see contact button below), or contact the staff members
- UT RepositoriesThe University of Twente offers various repositories for output created by researchers and students. Consult the information below to access these repositories, and to learn more about their content and purpose. UT Research Information (Pure) UT research information shows research output, information about its researchers, activities, press/media, prizes and research units at the University of Twente. Use it to find for example the research output and staff of specific research units, or to look up the latest research activities of the University of Twente. To add research output or activities to this repository use the back-end of this system: Pure research information. Consult the Research Information System (RIS)-page for more eleborate information and manuals about Pure. UT Student Theses In this repository (direct access) bachelor and master theses of students of the University of Twente can be found. The majority of the theses in the repository allow for access to the full-text. For some theses the access
- Ways to access literatureLiterature databases only provide direct access to full text when published Open Access, or with a UT subscription. If no access to content is possible, try the options presented below. Check off-campus access Before you start looking for alternative ways to find a research output you can't access, always check if the database or publisher website recognizes you as University of Twente staff/student. To make sure this is the case consult Off-campus access. Get the PDF See here for a list of plug-ins and other alternatives to get access to literature, created by the Association of Universities of the Netherlands (UNL). Request a copy via the author You can request a copy of a research output from the author directly. This is often not the fastest way, but traditionally a well-used route to get pdf's. You can create a free account on for example ResearchGate, Academia, Mendeley or the research repository of a university and try to get in contact with the corresponding author of a work. It is also an option to contact