The University of Twente offers various repositories for output created by researchers and students. Consult the information below to access these repositories, and to learn more about their content and purpose.
- UT Research Information (Pure)
UT research information shows research output, information about its researchers, activities, press/media, prizes and research units at the University of Twente. Use it to find for example the research output and staff of specific research units, or to look up the latest research activities of the University of Twente. To add research output or activities to this repository use the back-end of this system: Pure research information.
Consult the Research Information System (RIS)-page for more eleborate information and manuals about Pure. - UT Student Theses
In this repository (direct access) bachelor and master theses of students of the University of Twente can be found. The majority of the theses in the repository allow for access to the full-text. For some theses the access is restricted to a summary or abstract of the work. You can use UT Student Theses to get inpiration for your own theses or academic works and to find useful resources in your topic of interest. UT Student Theses is indexed by Google, which means that the works in it can be found via Google Scholar, and that citations in theses to your work are counted in your Google Scholar metrics.