FindUT Tips & Tricks

FindUT is an application that can be used as first search tool for all content in the University Library Collection. It contains (e)-journals, articles, databases, books and more, with the option to expand your search worldwide.  FindUT automatically provides access to all UT-subscribed content.
For a more systematic subject search we advise to use Google Scholar or Scopus, while the Databases A-Z list provides direct access to frequently used databases. When using Google Scholar, turn on the “library links” to get access to the subscribed content. For off-campus access install the Lean Library Plugin.

  • FindUT Tips & Tricks
    • Use the filters in the left menu: e.g. Year, Topic, Language, Format to narrow your search.  
    • Extend your search to 'Libraries in the Netherlands' or 'Libraries Worldwide' to look beyond the UT collection. You can request items from another library via the ILL form
    • Click on a title to find details like availability and how to reserve a book or access a journal or e-book. 
    • Use the share button for sharing interesting search results.
    • In 'My Account' users can see reservations, current loans and (if enabled) previously borrowed books 
    • Use the ‘report a broken link’ button to notify the library backoffice about access errors. report a broken link 

    Check out this video on how to search and request items via FindUT:

  • Advanced search tips

    While searching in FindUT, you can improve your search results: 

    • Use Boolean operators: AND, OR and NOT. 
      Always spell Boolean terms in capitals to distinguish from search terms. To determine the order in which the Boolean operators are used, use parentheses.
      Example: (program OR application) AND (measure OR calculate)
    • Use Quotation marks to find an exact phrase. Example: “air quality”
    • Use Truncation (*) or Wildcards (? or #).
      Example: process* to find process, processes, processed, etc. Example: wom#n or wom?n finds both women and woman
    • Select a specific index by using a prefix.
      Example: ti: air quality searches for titles with the words air and quality. Example: au:smith ti:blend* searches for authors Smith and titles with Blend.
      With prefix ti= you find titles beginning with the search word. Example: ti=nature 

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The My Organisation section shows mandatory bookmarks for your your main unit.

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