- Campus residents
- Campusnet: Internet facilities for campus residents and ITC hotel
- Housing
- Important phone numbers
- Rules en policy for internet use
- Campus security service
- Barrier pass for campus access
- Building access authorisation during and outside office hours
- Burglary and theft
- Camera security/CCTV monitoring regulations
- Car parking
- Emergency response (BHV)
- Important phone numbers
- Key issuance for building access
- Lost and found items
- CampusCrowdMap: occupancy of campus buildingsThrough the CampusCrowdMap you kan keep eye on the current occupancy in the UT buildings. It gives you an the indication of the occupancy. Video Campuscrowdmap Video Campuscrowdmap HOW TO AVOID BUSY PLACES? To help you with this, the CampusCrowdMap has been developed. With the CampusCrowdMap you can get an indication of current occupancy in the different UT buildings. Go to CampusCrowdMap links to https://apps.utwente.nl/campuscrowdmap The colors red, orange and green indicates how the number of people inside relates to the 1.5M capacity of the building and the different floors. The occupancy indications that this application offers should not be interpreted as a guarantee of actual occupancy. With this information you can decide for yourself which building you want to enter inbetween meetings or classes. HOW DOES IT WORK? You can select a building, by clicking on it, or by selecting the building from the list of buildings. The building will be highlighted and additional data will be shown. Like for example an
- Doctor / dentist / physio therapistFor all health care information please see www.utwente.nl/en > campus > facilities > health.
- Locker guidelines and useAs a student, employee or guest you can use all the locker banks on our campus that can be operated with a UT-card. You can find the lockers on the following locations. Click on the location in the overview below to find out the specifications of the various lockers: Overview Horst - basement Key users Nancy Heijnekamp and Andries Klijnstra. Claim period 1 day (24 hours) Power supply Yes Langezijds KEY USER Michiel Bresser. CLAIM PERIOD 3 months POWER SUPPLY No Noordhorst - first floor KEY USERs Nancy Heijnekamp and Andries Klijnstra. Claim period 3 months Power supply Yes Oosthorst - first floor KEY USERs Nancy Heijnekamp and Andries Klijnstra. Claim period 3 months Power supply Yes Spiegel - basement (MC) and floor 2-4 KEY USERs Basement Marketing & Communication: Anne Heining and Marco Ros Floor 2-3: Janneke Fiselier-Jager and Özlem Kesek Floor 4: Hanke van der Veer and Ger Steenman Claim period Basement Marketing en Communication: no claimperiod. Lockers are available for MC employees. Floor 2-3 and 4: 3 months
- Lost and found itemsEvery day, the campus is visited by about 12,000 persons. Objects are frequently lost or found in the grounds or in the buildings. If you have lost or found something, you can report this to the Service Desk of your building or to Security. Lost or found items can be reported to all Service Desks and to Security. An ID is required when you pick up a lost item. It is always wise to report lost or stolen goods. You can do so at www.police.nl or via the UT community police officer (0900-8844), or go to a district police station. You can also check www.verlorenofgevonden.nl
- Maintenance and failures overview(Planned) maintenance activities and failures of UT/campus systems are listed on www.utwente.nl/status (intranet).
- Opening hours of buildingsThese are the regular opening hours of the UT buildings. Deviating hours may apply during (public) holidays and bridging days. This will be communicated directly with the building's residents. For access outside of opening hours, refer to Access Permission. For more information, contact the Service Desk of your building. Bastille Monday to Friday Saturday 08:30 - 21:30 12:00 - 17:00 Carré Monday to Friday 08:00 - 21:00 Citadel Monday to Friday 08:00 - 18:00 Cubicus *temporarily not in use Monday to Friday* 08:00 - 18:00* Capitool15 Monday to Friday The building is accessible only to authorised personnel. Gallery/DesignLab Monday to Friday 09.00 - 17.30 Horst Monday to Friday 08:00 - 18:00 Langezijds Monday to Friday 08:00 - 18:00 Nanolab Monday to Friday 08:00 - 18:00 Paviljoen* *temporarily not in use Monday to Friday* 08:00 - 17:00* Ravelijn Monday to Friday 08:00 - 18:00 Spiegel Monday to Friday 08:00 - 18:00 Sportcentrum Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday 08:00 - 24:00 08:00 - 23:00 08:00 - 18:00 Technohal Monday
- Organising events / booking support
- ICT support for event services
- Organising events | Events office support
- Overview of campus events
- Reservations | Booking Office
- Sponsoring
- Route, campus map, addresses and buildingsThe most important buildings (incl. opening hours) are listed in more detail on our website. For a full list of contact information, see the list of building Service Desks. For route information see www.utwente.nl/en/route. Information about transport and accessibility is also available. The campus map (PDF) is available on www.utwente.nl/campusmap. Building names and addresses The main address is: Universiteit Twente Drienerlolaan 5, 7522NB Enschede The mailing address is Postbus 217 7500 AE Enschede Nr Building name Abr Address Postal code 0 O&O Plein OO Hallenweg 2 Spiegel SP Drienerlolaan 5 7522 NB 3 Vleugel VL Drienerlolaan 5 7522 NB 4 Carillon CN Drienerlolaan 7522 NB 5 Garage GA Dienstweg 10 7522 ND 6 Paviljoen PA Dienstweg 5 7522 ND 7 Seinhuis SH Dienstweg 12 7522 ND 8 Hogedruklab (HDL) HD Dienstweg 3 7522 ND 9 Citadel CI Hallenweg 15 7522 NH 10 Ravelijn RA Hallenweg 17 7522 NH 11 Zilverling ZI Hallenweg 19 7522 NH 12 Waaier WA Hallenweg 25 7522 NH 13 Hal B HB Hallenweg 21 7522 NH 14 Teehuis TH Hallenweg
- Rules and regulations
- Angling in campus ponds
- Camera security/CCTV monitoring regulations
- Cup return system: selection tool
- Drone regulations UT
- House rules UT
- Non-smoking policy
- Obituary
- Protocol for main entrance flags
- Protocol parties and activities
- Responsible alcohol consumption
- Roof protocol / roof work
- Sports Centre / Sports
- Medical services
- Sport accomodations, availability and reservations
- Sports centre bar/canteen
- Sports centre: information desk
- Sports overview: associations, courses and individual sports
- Unioncard/campuscard for students, employees and others
- UT Swimming school
- Vrijhof Culture & cultural activities
- Architecture walk and other campus walks/tours
- Creative curriculum for UT study programmes
- Cultural associations and courses
- Unioncard/campuscard for students, employees and others