Barrier pass for campus access

Request a new barrier pass in the summer 2021

The barrier system has been replaced is July/August 2021. If you have not replaced your old pass yet, please request a new pass and pick it up at the UT campus security desk at the main campus entrance.

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There is no quick north-south connection to the east of the campus. Drivers must make a detour via the Horstlindelaan, Langkampweg, and Bosweg. However, many drivers use the campus as a short cut, as this route is 2200 metres shorter. But this leads to accidents, disrupts traffic, affects the rural character of the campus, and causes additional wear and costs for maintaining our roads. The barriers have been installed to prevent people from using the campus as a short cut. Employees and students can obtain a barrier pass if they meet the following conditions.

Who qualifies for a pass?

Barrier passes are, in principle, only for UT employees and students with a car that is registered in their own name and address, with a postcode on the campus or the area to the north of it.

This applies to the following postcode areas:

  • 7514
  • 7522 to 7524
  • 7531 to 7534
  • 7558 to 7599
  • 7601 to 7681

Postcode exceptions

Based on the ANWB route planner, UT staff and students with a car who live more than 30 km from the campus are entitled to a pass if they can reasonably argue that they drive from their home to the campus via the Vliegveldstraat.

Campus residents

Residents of the campus who are not UT employees or students have received a barrier pass by post that is registered on the campus address. Partners and children of campus residents can also apply for a pass if they own a car registered in their own name and campus address. Part II of their vehicle registration certificate must contain their own name and campus address and needs to be shown at the security department. The barrier pass expires after three years. After this period a reapplication applies.

Employees of external companies

Employees of companies which are contractually affiliated with the UT may also be authorised, if they regularly need the rear exits for their company car. Authorisation in this situation is to be reviewed by the contract manager. The authorisation is limited in time until the end of the contract, this is already registered when the authorisation is granted.

What is the reason for these criteria

Most staff and students do not drive to the campus every day or can use the main entrance. Only persons who drive to and from the campus daily can get a pass. We want to prevent that unused passes are handed to third parties, who will use the campus as a short cut. That is why we have simple and clear criteria, which will be applied consistently.

Validity of passes

Passes for employees and students will automatically become invalid when the holder is no longer registered with HR as a UT employee or with Student Services as a UT student.

How to order

The barrier passes can only be applied online, by using the web application Sesam. Make sure that you are registered as an employee with the HR department or as a student with Student Services with the correct address and postcode. This also applies for temporary employees. The databases of HR and Student Services are decisive for the data check.


You will be notified by email whether your application has been approved. If approved, the message will state when you can pick up your barrier pass.


  • Because of the required checks, handling of your application may take some time. You will be notified by email when you can collect your pass. 
  • You can then pick up your pass from the Security Desk. Security is available 24 hours a day.
  • When you hand in your pass at the Security Desk, your deposit will be returned.


When collecting your pass, you must be able to show:

  • Your UT student ID, which contains your student number and photo (sent to your address).
  • Your UT employee card, which contains your employee number and photo (available via HR/ICTS). Collect from the Campus security, Spiegel.
  • Campus residents who are not UT employees or students use their driving license for identification.
  • Part II of your vehicle registration must be registered in your name and initials, and address and postcode.
  • Address changes are automatically communicated to the vehicle registration authority (RDW) by the municipality. You can apply for a new car registration with the correct address via RDW. There are costs involved.

These rules will be enforced strictly for students and campus residents. Your name + initials, and address + postcode must be correct on the vehicle registration certificate.

For UT employees, one of the two can be different (for example, because the car is registered in the name of their partner, or due to a move). But if both are different, employees also must have their vehicle registration certificate changed to their own name.

If you have a lease car, you can use your lease contract instead of the registration certificate, provided that the contract is in your name and address.


When you pick up your pass, we ask for payment of a deposit of € 10 in cash. Replacement of a lost or stolen card also costs € 10.


The issuing of barrier passes is the responsibility of the Security Department.

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