Burglary and theft

There are two routes for reporting a theft or damage. 

  • Does it concern UT belongings?

Please contact the Campus Security service by email: campussecurity@utwente.nl or by phone: +31 (0)53 - 489 2222. The security department will report the crime through the business account of the university because it's UT-related. 

  • Do you want to report a theft of personal belongings?

Please report the theft yourself:

  • via the Internet on the website www.police.nl, or
  • at the police station in the centre of Enschede (Hermandad 2, 7511JN Enschede). Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 22:00, and Saturday from 9:00 to 17:00.     

You can also make an appointment with the community police officer (0900-8844). You can report a theft to the community police officer as well. Please note: reporting these incidents to security is highly recommended due to the possible recording of images. 

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