Emergency response (BHV)


Information on emergency response provision (ERO) at UT.


Emergencies in which the safety of people is threatened, or in which damage to (UT) property can be or has been done must be reported as soon as possible via the emergency number (053-489) 2222. The Security department employee will in turn call together the nearest Emergency Response Provision team (ERP team) and send them to the site in question as soon as possible.

Report method

Every emergency must be reported via the emergency number (053-489) 2222 regardless of whether or not you have already called 112. The on-call staff member will guide the emergency services to the building or location in question on the University grounds in case of emergencies. This ensures that the emergency services will not have to look for the emergency location. This is the only way in which the staff member can prepare for this guidance so they will not face any surprises (such as locked gates, road works or demarcation that could hinder access).


All Security department employees have a first-aid and/or ERP certificate and are trained for resuscitation and AED use. The department has an AED and an extensive first-aid kit. For situations in which the Security employee has doubts about injuries or the victim's health, first aid will be provided if necessary and the victim will be referred to the General Practitioner out of hours service or outpatient clinic of Medisch Spectrum Twente.

Important telephone numbers

Emergency number University of Twente:

(053-489) 2222

National emergency number:


Security department:

053-489 2134

Twente Police Department:

0900 - 8844

UT community police officer:

0900 - 8844

Campus Huisartsenpraktijk information number:

053-203 0204

Emergency Room General Practitioner, evening & weekend)


Dental service evening & weekend:


Campus dentist


Animal rescue:

088-811 3800

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