Master Interaction Technology

Delve into the field of human-computer interaction and design and develop interactive technologies that are meaningful to people and society.

In today’s 21st century, modern technology is integrated into our daily lives more than ever before. But none of the advanced technologies we use today would have been successful if humans failed to interact with them. Human-computer interaction is one of the most important considerations in any kind of technological development. So how can you include the user in the development of new, interactive technologies? For example, what does it take to design a robot that can recognise and respond to human emotions? Or a technology that enables mediated social touch between loved ones? If you are interested in the field of human-machine interaction and you want to design and develop interactive technologies that are meaningful to people and society, the Master’s in Interaction Technology is right for you.

In this two-year, English-taught Master’s, you will study as well as shape the interaction between people and (IT-based) technologies. From ideation to prototyping to evaluation; you will learn to design intelligent, interactive and socially aware systems that are aligned with end-user needs and can enhance user experience. To do so, you will gain knowledge within fields such as computer science, human-machine interaction, artificial intelligence, and/or electrical engineering, and complement this with an in-depth understanding of human behaviour and user contexts.

Start Master’s in Interaction Technology

You can start your studies in September or February. If you need to follow a Pre-Master’s first, you can also start in September or February and continue with the Master’s directly afterwards.

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Societal impact with out-of-the-box solutions

Can social robots train children with autism to recognise emotions through facial expressions? What are the opportunities of speech recognition technology in supporting surgeons during operations? Can augmented reality train people to perform CPR in real-time, in one single attempt? And can you develop a tactile sleeve that enables people to touch each other virtually, giving them the feeling of closeness while being far away from each other?

As a master’s student in Interaction Technology, you will find out-of-the-box solutions to societal challenges, by linking technical possibilities to societal and human needs and wishes. It's not merely about developing and advancing such interactive technologies, but it is also about understanding their value in today’s society. How does a certain type of technology affect the interaction between people? Or the interaction between people and systems?

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Compose your own Master’s

Within this Master’s, you have quite some freedom to tailor your programme to your interests and ambitions. With a broad selection of courses to choose from within domains of technology, social sciences, design, research, entrepreneurship and more, you can create your own unique profile as an interaction technologist!

And what about spending part of your studies abroad? You can follow courses or conduct your thesis at a partner university abroad, or opt for the double degree programme in Human Computer Interaction and Design (HCID) of the EIT Digital Master School. This programme, with a special focus on innovation and entrepreneurship, enables you to study for one year abroad at a partner university in Helsinki, Stockholm, Paris, Madrid, Milan, or Trento.

career perspectives

With the rise of new technologies, devices, and forms of connectivity, we see more and more intelligent, interactive systems, capable of supporting and extending human activities. With such smart innovations rapidly unfolding, there’s a growing demand for experts in the field of interaction technology, who can truly embody the view of the user. You can look forward to great career opportunities after graduation!

Broadly speaking, you can start a career as a designerresearcherentrepreneur, or even a combination of these roles. You might find a job as a software developer or UX designer at a leading tech company, start an academic career and contribute to research in new interactive tech solutions or you might launch your own start-up, like some of our former students did! Whichever career path you choose, your expertise in key fields of engineering and technology as well as human behaviour and interactions between people and technology is welcomed in a wide variety of organisations and sectors.

Programme overview

Master’s degree in Interaction Technology
Certification: MSc
CROHO code
Electrical Engineering Mathematics and Computer Science
2 years
Full-time (no part-time programs possible)
Starting date
1 September 2025
1 February 2026
1 September 2026
1 February 2027
1 September 2027
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede
The Netherlands
Numerus fixus
Does not apply for the programme

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