HomeResearchOrganisation of research

Organisation of research

The University of Twente is located on the greenest, largest university campus in the Netherlands. On this campus and beyond, we co-create a thriving research and innovation ecosystem. Our organisational structure has five faculties, three institutes and six interfaculty units.


Our faculties are the human powerhouse for the institutes and interfaculty units. That way, we benefit fully from all the disciplinary knowledge we have in-house. Education and research in our five faculties are organised within specific research groups or scientific departments:

A full list of research department names is also available in the research information system.

Research institutes

Colleagues from all of these five faculties collaborate in three research institutes to contribute to our four Impact Domains (Health, Safety, Security, and Chip Technologies):

Our strength lies in the collaboration between the various disciplines. In the research institutes the University of Twente connects technology (high tech) to human behaviour and social relevance (human touch).


MESA+ is one of the world’s leading research institutes on nanostructures, nanomaterials, nanosystems and nanodevices. Embracing a cross-disciplinary approach and benefiting from the NanoLab - infrastructure that ranks among the very best on the globe - over 500 researchers deliver high quality, competitive and frequently ground-breaking research. The results are evident in our numerous publications as well as in various high-profile achievements.


The TechMed Centre is a leading Innovation Hub in the healthtech domain with state-of-the-art infrastructure, ranging from research labs, preclinical testbeds and simulated hospital environments up to the actual healthcare system. The TechMed Centre improves healthcare through research & development, education and collaboration in a global network.


The Digital Society Institute performs scientific research in technology that is essential for digitalization, on methods and techniques for integrating digital technology in our environments, and in how we can come to intelligent, well-informed decision making. An important aspect of our mission is to conduct research that has an impact on society.

Our recently established Climate Centre serves as a UT-wide hub for collecting and connecting all matters related to climate-positive research.



Our campus has world-class research facilities, allowing our researchers to explore, create and contribute to grand challenges. From our wind tunnel, the VR Lab, operation rooms, NanoLab, modelling workshops, and ExperiVan, to our DesignLab, many facets of research are supported.

Research support

The UT has a well-developed research support offer, where we support our colleagues in various aspects of their work. From supporting our PhD and EngD candidates through the Twente Graduate School, to the grants support and impact developers at Strategic Business Development, to the Digital Competence Centre, to the Research Support Offices in our faculties and within the TechMed Centre; our staff is supported in every step of their research and development.

Learn more about our research support.

Responsible research

At the University of Twente, everyone involved in education and research is responsible for upholding the standards of scientific integrity. Every member of staff is required to adhere to the guidelines laid down in the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Scientific Practice and the European Code of Conduct for Scientific Integrity. The University of Twente encourages a work environment that promotes and guarantees responsible research practices. To this end, it offers facilities such as integrity education for PhD students, ethical review, and research data management.


University of Twente and RadboudUMC agreed on a collaboration in May 2024.

By collaborating with relevant partners both nationally and internationally, the University of Twente gives a boost to the quality of her research. We are part of several networks and networking organisations, in which we frequently collaborate with a number of partners.

More information on strategic global academic partnerships can be found elsewhere on our website.

Young Academy Twente

Young Academy Twente (YAT) is a network of talented early-career academics and scientists at the University of Twente. It is focused on fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, promoting academic leadership, and encouraging innovation in education, research, and societal impact. YAT provides a platform for young researchers to share ideas, discuss issues that affect their academic careers, and engage with both the university and the broader community. It is part of a broader movement within academia to empower the next generation of scholars and promote fresh perspectives in research and academia.

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