HomeNewsThe Week of Integration - Welcoming back Atlantis’ currently eldest school of fish

The Week of Integration - Welcoming back Atlantis’ currently eldest school of fish

In ATLAS, every year the 5th semester will either stay in the Netherlands and follow courses outside of ATLAS, or they join a university in another country. Now, at the start of the new semester, they’re returning, and for many of newer students, it’s their first chance to get to know them. As the community here is quite tight-knit, we can’t just let it develop, we need to celebrate it!

And so, after the suggestion made by one of the first years, Taco, most of the study association’s committees took the initiative to arrange an event every day in the week of the 13th of February. Currently this has included a tosti party brought to us by the Activity committee (Acco), in which everyone learned a little bit more about the returning class as well as their own, while enjoying some lovely tostis. Today, on the Tuesday, Sportsco brought us a lovely game of ‘the floor is lava’. Thankfully, everyone survived.

With the first two events down, and another three to go, the week of integration seems to be going well. Hopefully, by the end, we’ll all be well introduced, and the Atlantis bubble can expand a bit.

If you’re a student here, and you haven’t participated, what’s wrong with you? Tostis are great, and the sportsco event was fun! Make sure not to miss the others. If you’re from outside of ATLAS, I’m sure there’s room for you as well.

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