HomeNewsHistorical Architecture with Eva de Wit

Historical Architecture with Eva de Wit Finishing a Cathedral 500 years after construction started

In ATLAS, we have something called the personal pursuit. This allows us to pursue pretty much whatever we’re interested in. This can entail anything in terms of self development. Some have taken extra courses, some have taught at high schools, some have volunteered abroad. In this case, we’re looking at one student’s project on her interest in history and architecture.

In the city center of Leeuwarden is an old leaning tower called “Oldehove”. One day, while working on my final research project for high school, I noticed that there were protruding arches sticking out of the tower. I got curious and after doing some research, I found out that the original plan was to not only build a tower, but a whole cathedral.

After reading Ken Follett’s “Pillars of the Earth”, I was fascinated by cathedrals. When I got the opportunity to do my Personal Pursuit, I immediately knew I wanted to find out more about the unbuilt cathedral of Leeuwarden. Also, I have always been interested in architecture in general, which however is not part of the ATLAS curriculum.

I looked at countless pictures and old maps, read books, went to the Historical Center of Leeuwarden and talked to many people until I had gathered enough information to make a virtual 3D model.

Next to getting familiar with 3D modelling software like Revit and SketchUp and learning a lot about the history of Leeuwarden, I also learned about designing a research process in an academic way. I approached my Personal Pursuit in a very individual way. I realized that taking your own approach is very interesting and teaches you a lot, but to get a good result, a strict academic approach is more suitable.

My original idea was to 3D print the model and exhibit it in Leeuwarden. Looking back, what I wanted to do was a little too much for 6 ECs. But because it was my own thing, I found it very interesting. No one was telling me what to do, but still everybody I approached was willing to help me. Even though it is easily possible to spend another two or three years of research on the project, I succeeded in making a model of something about which there was hardly any information.

By Valerie Lapp, Eva de Wit, Mark Brady

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