Wednesday saw the 'kick-off' of the sustainability dialogue series, set up by University Innovation Fellows, Green Hub Twente and DesignLab in collaboration with the Executive Board.
More than 90 people from the UT Community gathered to take note of the multitude of initiatives, wishes, activities and requirements that are already taking shape on our campus. Action groups spoke, but also, for example, the Student Union and Campus and Facility Management shared their views on a more sustainable university. Participants then shared insights and challenges on various sub-themes, such as waste and energy, but also addressed the role of sustainability in education and research.
Machteld Roos, vice president of the UT said, “All compliments to UIF, DesignLab and Greenhub for organising this exciting and interesting kick-off dialogue about sustainability for our community. It was great to see so much commitment from the staff and students present. A lot of input was gained, and I am very much looking forward to the upcoming sessions, where there will be room to go deeper into the various themes.”
The proceeds of this meeting will now be used to shape a series of dialogues, each time on a specific sub-theme. The organisation will compile the agenda in the coming weeks, but already shares the moment of the next dialogue: Thursday 6 April from 15:45-17:45 (please note: this was changed, the original date was Tuesday 14 March from 13:00 to 15:00). More information on the next sessions will be available soon on the Sustainability website. Participants of the first session will also receive an invitation via email.