Period | Research titles and researchers |
2019-2024 | Coastal Flood Risk Reduction By Mangroves; An Engineering Perspective Gijsman (PhD), Wijnberg (Promotor), Horstman |
2022-2024 | Back to the roots: The reliability of a pullout test for assessing the erosion resistance of grassed dike covers van der Meijden (EngD), Augustijn, Warmink |
2020-2024 | River dune dynamics under high and low flows [PhD thesis] Lokin (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Warmink, Bomers |
2019-2023 | Idealized modeling of estuarine sand dunes [PhD thesis] Van der Sande (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Roos |
2015-2023 | Filters and plant trait strategies; What steers vegetation dynamics in floodplains of regulated lowland rivers? [PhD thesis] Harezlak (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Augustijn |
2018-2023 | Vertical dependences in swash-zone flows and sand transport [PhD thesis] Kranenborg (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Reniers, v.d. Werf, Campmans |
2018-2023 | Modelling the influence of characteristics, orientation and positioning of beach buildings on airflow and aeolian sediment transport patterns in the surrounding area. [PhD thesis] Pourteimouri (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor, Wijnberg, Campmans |
2018-2022 | Water quality stress shifting within inter-regional commodity trade Ye (PhD), Krol (Promotor), Wang |
2018-2022 | Coastal hazard and risk assessments at European scale Athanasiou (PhD), Krol (Promotor), Kwadijk (Promotor), van Dongeren, Giardino |
2017-2022 | Morphological effects of buildings in a sandy beach environment [PhD thesis] Poppema (PhD), Wijnberg, Hulscher |
2017-2022 | Over the dike top; Modelling the hydraulic load of overtopping waves including transitions for dike cover erosion [PhD thesis] van Bergeijk (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Warmink |
2017-2022 | Exploratory modelling of barrier coast dynamics [PhD thesis] Reef (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Roos, Schuttelaars |
2017-2021 | Medicines unwanted in water (MEDUWA) – Vecht(e): Grey Water Footprint for selected pharmaceuticals in the Vecht river catchment Wöhler(PhD), Krol (Promotor), Hogeboom |
2017-2021 | The influence of berms, roughness and oblique waves on wave overtopping at dikes [PhD thesis] Chen (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Warmink, van Gent |
2017-2021 | Discharge and water level uncertainty in bifurcating rivers [PhD thesis] Gensen (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Warmink |
2016-2019 | ForeShore: soft solutions - certain safety Borsje |
2015-2019 | The feedbacks among tidal sand waves, benthic organisms and sediment sorting processes Damveld (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Roos, Borsje |
2015-2019 | Biogeomorphology of salt marshes; Understanding the decadal salt marsh dynamics for flood defense Willemsen (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Borsje |
2016-2020 | An integrative approach to reducing the water, land and carbon footprint of global energy consumption Holmatov (PhD), Krol (Promoter), Schyns |
2019-2020 | Narratives on water savings in Agriculture Vargas Farias, Schyns |
2018-2019 | Climate Vulnerabilities of Agriculture in Turkey Ercin |
2015-2019 | Application of soil moisture information for operational water management [PhD-thesis] Pezij (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Augustijn, Hendriks |
2015-2019 | Floods of the past – Design for the future ) [PhD-thesis] Bomers (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Schielen |
2018-2019 | Responses of hydrological processes to varying rainfall characteristics and rainfall patterns under climate change Gao (PhD), Booij |
2015-2019 | Improving river management by estimating model uncertainty Berends (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Warmink |
2014-2018 | The dynamics of side channels as rehabilitation measure: linking theory and practice [PhD thesis] Denderen(PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Schielen |
2014-2018 | Beach-dune systems near inlets: linking subtidal and subaerial morphodynamics [PhD thesis] Galiforni Silva (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Wijnberg |
2014-2018 | Modeling the effect of storm events and wind waves on sand wave dynamics [PhD thesis] Campmans (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Roos |
2014-2018 | Agricultural Resource Efficiency and Reduction of Impacts Under Land-Use and Climate Change Scenarios in Brazil Nouri (postdoc), Hoekstra, Krol, de Jong van Lier, Dourado Neto |
2014-2018 | Present and future global availability and scarcity of land with sufficient green water resources for agricultural production: The potential of green water for reducing agricultural blue water consumption [PhD thesis] Schyns (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Booij |
2011-2018 | Understanding the economics of water use, allocation and trade: Showing the added value of applying different analytical tools [PhD thesis] Chouchane (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor) |
| Assessing and addressing inter-annual variability in blue water scarcity at high spatial and temporal resolution on a global scale [PhD thesis] Hogeboom (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Krol |
2013-2017 | Aeolian and hydrodynamic sand exchange across beaches [PhD thesis] Duarte Campos (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Wijnberg |
2013-2017 | Impact of land use change on water availability in Indonesia under varying climatic conditions [PhD thesis] Marhaento (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Booij, Rientjes |
2013-2017 | Water Footprint Reduction and Associated Cost in Irrigated Crop Production [PhD thesis] Chukalla (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Krol |
2012-2016 | Safety assessment of multifunctional flood defences [PhD thesis] Aguilar López (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Warmink , Schielen |
2012-2016 | Sand Transport under Breaking Waves [PhD thesis] Van der Zanden (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Ribberink |
2011-2015 | The water and ecological footprint of meat and milk production and consumption in Kenya: Sustainability and food security [PhD thesis] Bosire (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor) |
2011-2015 | Past, current and future water scarcity in China [PhD thesis] Zhuo La (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor) |
2011-2015 | Sand Extraction and coastal safety (SEACOS) [PhD thesis] Chen Wenlong (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor) |
2010-2014 | Evaluation of Hydrological Response of Yangtze River Basin to Climate Change and Human Activities [PhD thesis] Huang (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Su, Krol, Salama, Zhou |
2010-2014 | Exploring downstream water availability of Yellow River based on historic and projected runoff change in the source region area [PhD thesis] Zheng (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Su, Booij, van der Velde |
2010-2014 | Communication of model results in flood management [PhD thesis] Leskens (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Brugnach |
2010-2014 | River bed form evolution modelling for flood management purposes; River dune evolution and the transition to plane beds [PhD thesis] van Duin (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Dohmen, Ribberink, Sterlini, Paarlberg |
2010-2014 | Drought in the Netherlands: a Risk approach Van Duinen (PhD), van der Veen (Promotor) |
2010-2014 | System robustness analysis for flood and drought risk management [PhD thesis] Mens (PhD), van Beek (promotor), Klijn, van der Sluijs |
2010-2014 | River bed form evolution modelling for flood management purposes; On the influence of suspended sediment transport on dune evolution [PhD thesis] Naqshband (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Dohmen, Ribberink, Sterlini, Paarlberg |
2009-2013 | Development of a water information system for global scale water use assessment Romaguera (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Su (Promotor), Krol, Salama |
2010-2014 | Turbidity Dynamics in Lake Naivasha Ecosystem [PhD thesis] Ndungu (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor) |
2009-2013 | Short term biophysical interactions in coastal mangroves [PhD thesis] Horstman (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Dohmen, Bouma, Herman, Webb, Friess, Galli, Balke |
2009-2013 | Coping with uncertainty in water engineering projects embracing natural dynamics [PhD thesis] Van den Hoek (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Krol |
2009-2012 | Governance of Globalized Water Resources Water footprint: from methodology to practice [PhD thesis] Ercin (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor) |
2008-2012 | Process based modelling of sediment transport under waves in the sheet-flow regime [PhD thesis] Kranenburg (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Ribberink, Uittenbogaard |
2008-2012 | Seasonal and Long-Term Prediction of Low Flows in the Rhine Basin [PhD thesis] Demirel (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Booij |
2008-2012 | Applying Dutch water expertise abroad; how to contribute effectively in the Romanian context [PhD thesis] Vinke (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Augustijn, Bressers |
2007-2012 | Uncovering inherent dynamics in coupled bio-geomorphodynamic systems offshore [PhD thesis] Borsje (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Herman |
2005-2010 | Congruent scales in economics, coastal engineering and coastal morphology [PhD thesis] van der Burgh (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Wijnberg |
2009-2012 | Modeling sand transport by strong currents and waves using DPM Sterlini (PhD), van der Hoef (FCRE), Ribberink |
2007-2011 | Roughness modelling Warmink (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Booij, van der Klis |
2005-2012 | Globalization of water [PhD thesis] Mekonnen (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Gerbens-Leenes, van Oel |
2005 – 2010 | Water policy development from an uncertainty perspective [PhD thesis] Bijlsma (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Krol |
2005 - 2009 | Sand transport under full scale progressive surface waves in the sheet-flow regime [PhD thesis] Schretlen (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Ribberink |
2005-2009 | Congruent scales in economics, coastal engineering and coastal morphology Filatova, Veen, Hulscher, Bochev, Wijnberg, Mulder |
2004 - 2009 | Roughness modelling for managing natural shallow water systems [PhD thesis Hommes] [PhD thesis vd Mark] Hommes, Noordam, de Vries, van der Mark, Tuijnder, Roos, Otter, Blom, Augustijn, Ribberink, van der Klis, Hulscher |
2004 - 2009 | Coastal zone management of Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia [PhD thesis] Meilianda, Dohmen-Janssen, Hulscher |
2006 - 2008 | Water security Chapagain, Hoekstra |
2007 - 2008 | Flood security strategies for dike ring 6: reducing system risk Booij, Buijsrogge, Hoekstra, de Kok, Lansink, Reedt Dortland, Steinweg |
2007 - 2008 | Trade-offs between energy and waterfootprints Gerbens-Leenes, Hoekstra, van der Meer |
2005 - 2008 | NeWater Scientific Challenge Krywkow, van der Veen |
2004 - 2008 | Dune stochastic in river morphodynamics Blom, Parker |
2004 - 2008 | FLOODsite Krywkow, van der Veen |
2004 - 2008 | Rapid assessment methodology for support of strategic lowland river planning Janssen, Hoekstra, de Kok,, Krol |
2006 - 2007 | Adapting to climate change: the probabilistic versus the self-learning dike Hoekstra, Kok |
2003 - 2007 | Climate change and adaptive water management in semiarid Northeast Brazil van Oel, Krol, Hoekstra |
2003 - 2007 | Dynamic roughness in rivers during floods [PhD thesis] Paarlberg, Dohmen-Janssen, Hulscher |
2003 - 2007 | Modelling vegetation roughness for river basin management [PhD thesis] Huthoff, Augustijn, Hulscher |
2003 - 2007 | Geographical information system of the North sea van der Veen, Knaapen, Buijsrogge, Hulscher |
2003 - 2007 | Modelling of spatial and temporal variations in offshore sandwaves: process-oriented vs. stochastic approach van der Meer, Hulscher, Knaapen, Németh, van den Berg, Van Damme |
2001 - 2006 | Decision making on flood management in the Meuse river Wesselink, Krol |
2002 - 2005 | European marine sand and gravel resources: evaluation and environmental impact of extraction Idier, Knaapen, Hulscher |
2002 - 2005 | Eines Decision Support Systems, Elbe Huang, de Kok |
2001 - 2005 | Appropriate modelling for river basin management Huang, de Kok, Hulscher |
2001 - 2005 | Methodology for validation of integrated systems models [PhD thesis] Giang, de Kok, Hulscher |
2001 - 2005 | Sediment transport processes in the ripple regime on the shoreface van der Werf, Ribberink, Hulscher |
2000 - 2005 | Flood waves in the Dutch Meuse River [PhD thesis] Gerretsen, Hulscher |
1999-2005 | Controversies in water management - frames and mental models [PhD thesis] Kolkman, van der Veen |
2001 - 2004 | Flood control decision support Booij, Vreugdenhil |
2000 - 2004 | Appropriate flood forecasting for reservoir operation [PhD thesis] Dong, Dohmen-Janssen |
2000 - 2004 | Decision support systems for river basin management Xu, Booij, Hulscher |
2000 - 2004 | Offshore sand extraction – morphodynamic effects in relation to seabed patterns [PhD thesis] Roos, Hulscher, de Vriend |
1997 - 2002 | Appropriate modelling of climate change impacts on river flooding [PhD thesis] Booij, Vreugdenhil |