Finished research projects


Research titles and researchers  


Coastal Flood Risk Reduction By Mangroves; An Engineering Perspective
Gijsman (PhD), Wijnberg (Promotor), Horstman


Back to the roots: The reliability of a pullout test for assessing the erosion resistance of grassed dike covers
van der Meijden (EngD), Augustijn, Warmink


River dune dynamics under high and low flows [PhD thesis]
Lokin (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Warmink, Bomers


Idealized modeling of estuarine sand dunes [PhD thesis]
Van der Sande (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Roos 


Filters and plant trait strategies; What steers vegetation dynamics in floodplains of regulated lowland rivers? [PhD thesis]
Harezlak (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Augustijn


Vertical dependences in swash-zone flows and sand transport [PhD thesis]
Kranenborg (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Reniers, v.d. Werf, Campmans


Modelling the influence of characteristics, orientation and positioning of beach buildings on airflow and aeolian sediment transport patterns in the surrounding area. [PhD thesis]
Pourteimouri (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor, Wijnberg, Campmans


Water quality stress shifting within inter-regional commodity trade
Ye (PhD), Krol (Promotor), Wang


Coastal hazard and risk assessments at European scale
Athanasiou (PhD), Krol (Promotor), Kwadijk (Promotor), van Dongeren, Giardino


Morphological effects of buildings in a sandy beach environment [PhD thesis]
Poppema (PhD), Wijnberg, Hulscher


Over the dike top; Modelling the hydraulic load of overtopping waves including transitions for dike cover erosion [PhD thesis]
van Bergeijk (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Warmink


Exploratory modelling of barrier coast dynamics [PhD thesis]
Reef (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Roos, Schuttelaars


Medicines unwanted in water (MEDUWA) – Vecht(e): Grey Water Footprint for selected pharmaceuticals in the Vecht river catchment
Wöhler(PhD),  Krol (Promotor), Hogeboom


The influence of berms, roughness and oblique waves on wave overtopping at dikes [PhD thesis]
Chen (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Warmink, van Gent


Discharge and water level uncertainty in bifurcating rivers [PhD thesis]
Gensen (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Warmink


ForeShore: soft solutions - certain safety


The feedbacks among tidal sand waves, benthic organisms and sediment sorting processes
Damveld (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Roos, Borsje


Biogeomorphology of salt marshes; Understanding the decadal salt marsh dynamics for flood defense
Willemsen (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Borsje


An integrative approach to reducing the water, land and carbon footprint of global energy consumption
Holmatov (PhD), Krol (Promoter), Schyns


Narratives on water savings in Agriculture
Vargas Farias, Schyns


Climate Vulnerabilities of Agriculture in Turkey


Application of soil moisture information for operational water management [PhD-thesis]
Pezij (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Augustijn, Hendriks


Floods of the past – Design for the future ) [PhD-thesis]
Bomers (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Schielen


Responses of hydrological processes to varying rainfall characteristics and rainfall patterns under climate change
Gao (PhD), Booij


Improving river management by estimating model uncertainty
Berends (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Warmink


The dynamics of side channels as rehabilitation measure: linking theory and practice [PhD thesis]
Denderen(PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Schielen


Beach-dune systems near inlets: linking subtidal and subaerial morphodynamics [PhD thesis]
Galiforni Silva (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Wijnberg


Modeling the effect of storm events and wind waves on sand wave dynamics [PhD thesis]
Campmans (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Roos


Agricultural Resource Efficiency and Reduction of Impacts Under Land-Use and Climate Change Scenarios in Brazil
Nouri (postdoc), Hoekstra, Krol, de Jong van Lier, Dourado Neto


Present and future global availability and scarcity of land with sufficient green water resources for agricultural production: The potential of green water for reducing agricultural blue water consumption [PhD thesis]
Schyns (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Booij  


Understanding the economics of water use, allocation and trade: Showing the added value of applying different analytical tools [PhD thesis]
Chouchane (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor) 


Assessing and addressing inter-annual variability in blue water scarcity at high spatial and temporal resolution on a global scale [PhD thesis]
Hogeboom (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Krol


Aeolian and hydrodynamic sand exchange across beaches [PhD thesis]
Duarte Campos (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Wijnberg


Impact of land use change on water availability in Indonesia under varying climatic conditions [PhD thesis]
Marhaento (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Booij, Rientjes


Water Footprint Reduction and Associated Cost in Irrigated Crop Production [PhD thesis]
Chukalla (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Krol


Safety assessment of multifunctional flood defences [PhD thesis]
Aguilar López (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Warmink , Schielen


Sand Transport under Breaking Waves [PhD thesis]
Van der Zanden (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Ribberink


The water and ecological footprint of meat and milk production and consumption in Kenya:  Sustainability and food security [PhD thesis]
Bosire (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor)


Past, current and future water scarcity in China [PhD thesis]
Zhuo La (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor)


Sand Extraction and coastal safety (SEACOS) [PhD thesis]
Chen Wenlong (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor)


Evaluation of Hydrological Response of Yangtze River Basin to Climate Change and Human Activities [PhD thesis]
Huang (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Su, Krol, Salama, Zhou  


Exploring downstream water availability of Yellow River based on historic and projected runoff change in the source region area [PhD thesis]
Zheng (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Su, Booij, van der Velde  


Communication of model results in flood management [PhD thesis]
Leskens (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Brugnach  


River bed form evolution modelling for flood management purposes; River dune evolution and the transition to plane beds [PhD thesis]
van Duin (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Dohmen, Ribberink, Sterlini, Paarlberg  


Drought in the Netherlands: a Risk approach
Van Duinen (PhD), van der Veen (Promotor)


System robustness analysis for flood and drought risk management [PhD thesis]
Mens (PhD), van Beek (promotor), Klijn, van der Sluijs  


River bed form evolution modelling for flood management purposes; On the influence of suspended sediment transport on dune evolution [PhD thesis]
Naqshband (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Dohmen, Ribberink, Sterlini, Paarlberg  


Development of a water information system for global scale water use assessment
Romaguera (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Su (Promotor), Krol, Salama  


Turbidity Dynamics in Lake Naivasha Ecosystem [PhD thesis]
Ndungu (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor)  


Short term biophysical interactions in coastal mangroves [PhD thesis]
Horstman (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Dohmen, Bouma, Herman, Webb, Friess, Galli, Balke  


Coping with uncertainty in water engineering projects embracing natural dynamics [PhD thesis]
Van den Hoek (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Krol  


Governance of Globalized Water Resources Water footprint: from methodology to practice [PhD thesis]
Ercin (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor)


Process based modelling of sediment transport under waves in the sheet-flow regime [PhD thesis]
Kranenburg (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Ribberink, Uittenbogaard


Seasonal and Long-Term Prediction of Low Flows in the Rhine Basin [PhD thesis]
Demirel (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Booij


Applying Dutch water expertise abroad; how to contribute effectively in the Romanian context [PhD thesis]
Vinke (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Augustijn, Bressers


Uncovering inherent dynamics in coupled bio-geomorphodynamic systems offshore [PhD thesis]
Borsje (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Herman


Congruent scales in economics, coastal engineering and coastal morphology [PhD thesis]
van der Burgh (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Wijnberg


Modeling sand transport by strong currents and waves using DPM
Sterlini (PhD), van der Hoef (FCRE), Ribberink


Roughness modelling
Warmink (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Booij, van der Klis


Globalization of water [PhD thesis]
Mekonnen (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Gerbens-Leenes, van Oel

2005 – 2010  

Water policy development from an uncertainty perspective [PhD thesis]
Bijlsma (PhD), Hoekstra (Promotor), Krol

2005 - 2009  

Sand transport under full scale progressive surface waves in the sheet-flow regime [PhD thesis]
Schretlen (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Ribberink


Congruent scales in economics, coastal engineering and coastal morphology
Filatova, Veen, Hulscher, Bochev, Wijnberg, Mulder

2004 - 2009  

Roughness modelling for managing natural shallow water systems [PhD thesis Hommes] [PhD thesis vd Mark]
Hommes, Noordam, de Vries, van der Mark, Tuijnder, Roos, Otter, Blom, Augustijn, Ribberink, van der Klis, Hulscher

2004 - 2009  

Coastal zone management of Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia [PhD thesis]
Meilianda, Dohmen-Janssen, Hulscher

2006 - 2008  

Water security
Chapagain, Hoekstra

2007 - 2008  

Flood security strategies for dike ring 6: reducing system risk
Booij, Buijsrogge, Hoekstra, de Kok, Lansink, Reedt Dortland, Steinweg

2007 - 2008  

Trade-offs between energy and waterfootprints
Gerbens-Leenes, Hoekstra, van der Meer

2005 - 2008  

NeWater Scientific Challenge
Krywkow, van der Veen

2004 - 2008  

Dune stochastic in river morphodynamics  
Blom, Parker

2004 - 2008  

Krywkow, van der Veen

2004 - 2008  

Rapid assessment methodology for support of strategic lowland river planning
Janssen, Hoekstra, de Kok,, Krol

2006 - 2007  

Adapting to climate change: the probabilistic versus the self-learning dike
Hoekstra, Kok

2003 - 2007  

Climate change and adaptive water management in semiarid Northeast Brazil
van Oel, Krol, Hoekstra

2003 - 2007

Dynamic roughness in rivers during floods [PhD thesis]
Paarlberg, Dohmen-Janssen, Hulscher

2003 - 2007  

Modelling vegetation roughness for river basin management [PhD thesis]
Huthoff, Augustijn, Hulscher

2003 - 2007  

Geographical information system of the North sea
van der Veen, Knaapen, Buijsrogge, Hulscher

2003 - 2007  

Modelling of spatial and temporal variations in offshore sandwaves: process-oriented vs. stochastic approach
van der Meer, Hulscher, Knaapen, Németh, van den Berg, Van Damme

2001 - 2006  

Decision making on flood management in the Meuse river
Wesselink, Krol

2002 - 2005  

European marine sand and gravel resources: evaluation and environmental impact of extraction
Idier, Knaapen, Hulscher

2002 - 2005  

Eines Decision Support Systems, Elbe
Huang, de Kok

2001 - 2005  

Appropriate modelling for river basin management
Huang, de Kok, Hulscher

2001 - 2005  

Methodology for validation of integrated systems models [PhD thesis]
Giang, de Kok, Hulscher

2001 - 2005

Sediment transport processes in the ripple regime on the shoreface
van der Werf, Ribberink, Hulscher

2000 - 2005  

Flood waves in the Dutch Meuse River  [PhD thesis]
Gerretsen, Hulscher


Controversies in water management - frames and mental models [PhD thesis]
Kolkman, van der Veen

2001 - 2004  

Flood control decision support
Booij, Vreugdenhil

2000 - 2004  

Appropriate flood forecasting for reservoir operation [PhD thesis]
Dong, Dohmen-Janssen

2000 - 2004  

Decision support systems for river basin management  
Xu, Booij, Hulscher

2000 - 2004  

Offshore sand extraction – morphodynamic effects in relation to seabed patterns [PhD thesis]
Roos, Hulscher, de Vriend

1997 - 2002  

Appropriate modelling of climate change impacts on river flooding [PhD thesis]
Booij, Vreugdenhil