Department of Civil Engineering & Management

The Department of Civil Engineering and Management (CEM) of the Faculty of Engineering Technology at the University of Twente (UT) conducts research in the field of civil engineering and management sciences. The department operates at the interface of Civil Engineering, Social Science (Public Administration and Management Science, Urban planning and Geography) and Data Science. We are a leading Civil Engineering department in the Netherlands with about 50 fte academic staff (WP), 650 students (bachelor and master), 15 EngD students and 75 PhD students.

  • Our mission & vision

    Our mission is to develop, apply, and disseminate innovative solutions for sustainable infrastructure, advancing key Sustainable Development Goals including clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), responsible consumption and production (SDG 12), and climate action (SDG 13). We are committed to educating and empowering young engineers and scientists, preparing them to take on leadership roles across the diverse fields of civil engineering. Through our comprehensive BSc and MSc programs in Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering & Management, and Construction Management & Engineering, we foster the integration of policy, planning, and technology to enhance resilience and drive sustainable transformations in our living environments.

    Our vision is to be a global leader in sustainable civil engineering, driving the transformation of built and natural environments through integrated, resilient infrastructures. We aspire to create a future where infrastructure seamlessly supports climate mitigation and adaptation, energy efficiency, advanced mobility, digital innovations, and nature-inclusive communities. By addressing the social-technical challenges of resilience and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, we aim to shape thriving, sustainable societies that effectively respond to the evolving demands of the modern world.


Topics like sustainability, smart mobility, digitalization in construction, resilience engineering and digital infrastructurewater footprint and life cycle assessment shape our Bachelor and Master programmes. You also become an expert in the many important organizational and non-technical issues involved in such projects, from legal and administrative aspects to communication, project and process management.

CEM news

CEM agenda

CEM research structure

The 4 clusters and their chairs within the CEM department

Cluster: Multidisciplinary Water Management (MWM)

Cluster: Marine Fluvial Systems (MFS)

Clusters: Construction Management & Engineering (CME)

Cluster: Transport Systems (TS)