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Miroslav from Bulgaria

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Name: Miroslav Atanasov
Country of origin: Bulgaria
Programme: BSC technical computer science

'Coming to the UT was the best decision that I have made so far. Not only because of the studies but because of the international atmosphere as well.' - Miroslav

Здравейте! Hello there! My name is Miroslav Atanasov, I am 21 years old, I am coming from Bulgaria and currently doing BSc in Technical Computer Science. What I really like about the university and the degree is that it presents you with a great variety of topics and problems which all help you learn and perfect the knowledge that you have gathered through the study units. This approach is what I was really looking for and I am glad that I found here.

Do you have a question for Miroslav?

Contact him via our dedicated Facebook page or on Instagram for Bulgaria.

For more information about the University of Twente, you can also visit our Bulgaria web page.

Why the Netherlands?

Finishing my secondary education in Bulgaria I wanted to study abroad in a county known for its innovations and high quality of education. I was looking for a real challenge for my bachelor's degree and a step up from my high school education where I wouldn’t only study but also explore new places and cultures. The Netherlands is just that for me. Living here for me is not only studying but also visiting and different cities like Amsterdam and Rotterdam, which can only happen because of the public transport here.

Moreover, the Netherlands is a very international friendly country and this has led to learning about different cultures, meeting new people from around the world and gaining experience which I would have been able to if I was not to come here.

Why Twente?

Choosing a university was a daunting task for me like it is for most people. I was looking everywhere for a place that I would enjoy being in for the next 3 years of my life and I was really unsatisfied with what I knew so far. However, that was until I heard about the University of Twente. As soon as I learned about the Technical Computer Science and seeing the campus, I knew that was the university I wanted to be. I enjoy everything about it, the campus, the city, the people that I get to work with and the challenges that I get to tackle. Now that I have been doing it for a while I can say that I could not have made a better decision. The study program is unlike any other in the Netherlands, taking a practical approach even to the most theoretical of problems which teaches you to always think about the application of the knowledge gathered in the lecture hall.

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