Master Public Administration

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How can governments take action to combat climate change and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals and how can we contribute to the acceptance and effectiveness of such governmental actions? How can governments ensure the protection of data security and privacy rights of citizens in times of rapid technological change? What does it take for governments to keep healthcare affordable and innovative health technologies available for all citizens? And moreover: how can governments at all levels – from local to national to international – collaborate effectively to address these and many other societal challenges? If you are fascinated by the role governments and public organisations play in tackling the grand challenges our society faces today, the Master’s in Public Administration at the University of Twente is the right choice for you. 

This one-year Master’s is taught mainly in English and teaches you how to address political-administrative, societal and technological challenges within the public sector that can usually not be solved with just a simple solution. You will gain an in-depth understanding of political-administrative decision-making processes in today’s technologically transforming world. This Master’s will help you understand the complex playing-field of public and private organisations with different interests. You will become skilled in analysing, developing, and implementing public policies and learn how to resolve multiple – and often highly conflicting – stakeholder interests.


You can start your studies in September or February. If you need to follow a Pre-Master’s first, you can also start in September or February and continue with the Master’s directly afterwards.

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Create your own unique profile

This Master’s in Public Administration at the University of Twente is unique because more than gaining a strong, broad foundation within the field of public administration, you get the opportunity to develop your personal profile within a domain of your choice. You might for example focus on public safetysustainabilityhealthcare, or public affairs. Or what about dealing with a variety of topics, specifically in the context of the Dutch government, or gaining a more philosophical understanding of good (deliberative) governance?

These domains are all represented within the profile courses you can choose from. Building expertise within a specific domain does not only enable you to pursue your own interests, it will surely give you an excellent starting position on the job market!

Carlotte Aarts, Master’s student in Public Administration

With interesting guest lectures and internship options, this Master’s offered me great opportunities for exploring the work field and building my network for my future career.

Carlotte Aarts, Master’s student in Public Administration

Career perspectives

With a Master’s degree in Public Administration, you can look forward to excellent career prospects. Because of an ageing workforce in many countries and the rise of new (digital) challenges, the demand for (academically) skilled professionals within the public domain will continue to grow in the upcoming years. Graduates of this Master’s find interesting, challenging and well-paid jobs soon after graduation, as policymakers, policy advisers, and lobbyists, or researchers. You will be well-prepared for a career in the public sector, private sector or non-profit sector.

Job of a graduate

To give you an idea of your future job, student Mees ten Broeke visited alumna Rozemarijn van Erp. Rozemarijn is Department Manager at Medisch Spectrum Twente (the hospital in Enschede).

Programme overview

Master’s degree in Public Administration
Certification: MSc
CROHO code
Behavioural Management and Social Sciences
1 year
Full-time (no part-time programs possible)
Starting date
1 September 2025
1 February 2026
1 September 2026
1 February 2027
1 September 2027
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede
The Netherlands
Numerus fixus
Does not apply for the programme

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