
EndNote is a software tool for managing your personal library. You can save full-text articles in your own database and use those to build reference lists in works you are writing. References can be imported via the import citation options many research databases offer. Full-texts can be saved instantly. The large output style library allows you to use EndNote for in-article citations and for almost all publishing styles and requested formats in the reference list. The University of Twente has a license for EndNote that also allows for it to be installed at home. It is possible to synchronize your EndNote library over different computers. 

  • Getting started with EndNote


    The latest version of EndNote can be downloaded via Notebook Service Centre.
    You can find the installation manual here.

    EndNote Web 
    EndNote web is your online EndNote library. It allows you to synchronize your library across Desktop, tablet and online. For a licensed user there is unlimited storage space for pdf’s and your library. Extended options for private group work are also available. These are your options: 

    • You can include anyone who’s using EndNote (up to 100 people, plus yourself) 
    • Share EndNote folders, including references, PDFs, and annotations 
    • Everyone can add to, annotate and use the library – at the same time 
    • There’s no charge for sharing, no library size limit and no charge for unlimited cloud storage 

    Your EndNote Web account login is the same as your Web Of Science personal account, or your login for Publons and vice versa. If you have neither you can also make an account using your @utwente.nl email address. Go to MyEndNoteWeb

    EndNote Reference Export To BibTex 
    This can be done by using the 'Reference Style' 'Bibtex Export': 

    • Choose 'Select Another Style’ in the pull-down menu with reference styles and then choose 'Bibtex Export' 
    • You now get a Bibtex entry in the preview window (Style Info/Preview). 

    Now choose Export in the File menu and save the file as: /filenaam/.bib 

    You now have a bib file. Unfortunately, this export is not error free. You will have to assign a label, by hand, to each entry before you can use it in a LaTeX document. You will also need to check the entries capital letters, the punctuation and the reference type. 

    People who make extensive use of LaTeX may want to consider using an alternative reference manager like Mendeley or Zotero.

  • Troubleshooting

    When installing Endnote the system asks for a Product Key.

    Unzip/unpack the downloaded folder by right clicking the folder and choosing ‘Extract all’. Sometimes it might also say: unzip or unpack. Next open the unzipped folder and double click the installation file to start the installation.

  • EndNote manuals and instructional videos

    Below you find several instructional videos for EndNote. On the EndNote website you can also find manuals to complement the videos. 

    Short Videos

    EndNote website 

  • EndNote Training

    The University Library offers EndNote training as an optional part of the Scientific Information bootcamp for first year PhD students.

    At the end of the workshops you can: 

    • Set up and maintain your own literature library in EndNote 
    • Work with the EndNote plugin for MS word to format your citations and reference lists   
    • Adapt your EndNote library setup to your own needs 
    • Manage your EndNote Library 
    • Share EndNote folders with co-authors 


    • Creating an EndNote Library 
    • Building your EndNote Library by importing references from literature databases 
    • Importing PDF-files into your library 
    • Cite while you write, citations and references in Word 
    • Searching and annotating PDFs 
    • Create and use groups, filters and folders 


    • Use subject bibliographies and summaries 
    • Changing the preferences of the EndNote program 
    • Finding, using and editing existing output styles 
    • Using MyEndnoteWeb.com 
    • Sharing your documents and library folders 

    Tailor-made Workshops 
    If you have a group of students or staff who want to get to know Endnote, please send an e-mail to your faculty's information specialist. We will arrange a tailor-made workshop. 

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