- CopyrightAs a University of Twente researcher, teacher or student, you will inevitably have to deal with copyrights. You might be infringing copyrights of other people’s work or transferring copyrights of your own without realizing it, so carefully read the information below. What is copyright? Copyrights consist of moral rights and exploitation rights. Moral rights inseparably belong to the creator of a work, who should always get acknowledged when someone else uses the work, and who may object to modifications of the work that could damage his or her reputation. Exploitation rights, however, are transferrable, and concern the right to reuse a work or to (re)distribute it to others. Copyrights do not apply to general theories, facts or ideas, but to expressions of the creator’s ideas, thoughts or feelings, with an original character of their own and a personal stamp of the creator. The expression must be perceivable: When an idea only exists in the creator’s head, so to speak, copyrights do not apply. They do apply to
- EndnoteEndNote is a software tool for managing your personal library. You can save full-text articles in your own database and use those to build reference lists in works you are writing. References can be imported via the import citation options many research databases offer. Full-texts can be saved instantly. The large output style library allows you to use EndNote for in-article citations and for almost all publishing styles and requested formats in the reference list. The University of Twente has a license for EndNote that also allows for it to be installed at home. It is possible to synchronize your EndNote library over different computers. Getting started with EndNote Installation The latest version of EndNote can be downloaded via Notebook Service Centre. You can find the installation manual here. EndNote Web EndNote web is your online EndNote library. It allows you to synchronize your library across Desktop, tablet and online. For a licensed user there is unlimited storage space for pdf’s and your library. Extended
- LaTeX & BibTeXLaTeX is a specific document preparation system that allows for high-quality typesetting and is especially useful for technical and scientific documentation. The University of Twente is providing access to Overleaf, a collaborative online LaTeX editor. For managing references in Overleaf, the BibTeX extension format is used, known as *.bib. Most reference managers (e.g. Endnote, Mendeley and Zotero) can export references in the BibTeX format. This guide is focussing on BibTeX in Overleaf. Find more information on other forms of LaTeX on the LaTeX Project and TeX Users Group. Getting started with BibTeX BibTeX basics BibTeX references are stored in a plain text file (the bibliography database file) with file extension *.bib. Save all references in one file (e.g. references.bib) and upload it to your Overleaf project. New references can be easily added to that file in Overleaf by copy and pasting the reference information in BibTeX format. Some databases offer the export of references in this BibTex format. Always
- MendeleyMendeley is a reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research and collaborate with others online. Mendeley consists of an online account, a desktop install and a word plugin. The Mendeley Reference Manager allows you to store, organize and share your references and cite those references when you are writing a paper or report. The online and desktop version synchronize automatically to give you access to your library anywhere and anytime. Getting started with Mendeley Register at Mendeley (direct access) and download the Reference manager. A web-importer and Microsoft Word plugin will be available in the downloaded program. Mendeley is also available for Mac (direct access) and Linux (direct access). After installation, you can consult ITC's Mendeley Manual for instructions on the usage of Mendeley. ITC's Mendeley Manual links to 2022_Mendeley_Manual.pdf Training The University Library offers Mendeley training as part of the optional courses of the PhD bootcamp, and tailor
- Referencing & plagiarismYour scientific work is an extension of the work of those who went before you: You build on other people’s work to create your own (paper, journal article, report, presentation, educational materials, etc.). But when you use someone else’s work without referencing, you are plagiarizing: You are giving the impression that their work is your own, which is forbidden. In the light of the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity 2018, referencing is of utmost importance. In-text citations and reference list You can reference other people’s texts, images, tables, figures, videos, and so on, and both printed and digital works. References have to be recognizable as such and must be modest in size compared to the rest of your work. References must clarify or support your message, and may not be used to simply embellish your work. Many referencing styles are available, for example the widely used APA style of the American Psychological Association and the Chicago Style. The referencing style that you adopt in
- ZoteroZotero is an open source reference manager that can help you store and organize research information (e.g., journal articles, book chapters, conference contributions or websites). It allows you to easily and efficiently create in-text citations and reference lists while working on academic output individually or with a group of authors. Getting started with Zotero Register at the Zotero website and download the online application of this reference manager from the download section. There are applications available for Windows, Mac, Linux and iOS. Also, it is possible to install extensions (Zotero connectors) for various browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari) that enable easy import of references (and their accompanying PDFs) in the desktop application of Zotero. For using Zotero to make in text citations and create reference lists in MS Word you have to install the Word Add-in (available in the Zotero menu via Tools >> Add-ons). Documentation After installation, you can consult the extensive documentation