- Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, etc) for employeesIntroduction This manual describes how to install Adobe software and how to use the new Adobe license. Before you get started This manual is for employees only. This manual uses a consistent style of writing: references to text and buttons on screens are printed in italics, information that you have to enter yourself is printed in bold. Installing the Adobe Creative Cloud application will remove all earlier Adobe software from your UT workstation. This process can take some time when there are many Adobe applications to remove. step 1: INSTALLING ADOBE CREATIVE CLOUD APPLICATION Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop can be installed through Software Center (UT workstations only). Open the Software Center and click on the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop application. In the new window that opens, click on install*. *This will remove all currently installed Adobe applications and install Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop. This might take some time, especially if there are many Adobe applications already installed. step 2: STARTING
- Encryption (for safe data storage on your computer)Short link for this page: utwente.nl/encryption and utwente.nl/bitlocker. It is very important to use encryption to store data securely for education and research. Introduction The university advises not to store data locally, on your hard drive in your notebook, but to use storage facilities at the UT. Data on the local drive may be lost in case of malfunctioning or because the device is lost or stolen. Loss of personal or confidential data must be considered as a data breach. To avoid data breach always use an encrypted folder or encrypted data storage. Manuals This manual uses a consistent style of writing: references to text and buttons on screens are printed in italics, information that you have to enter yourself is printed in bold. Encryption on Windows 10 (with BitLocker) BitLocker is a Microsoft tool to encrypt your files. Only users with the right decryption-key will be able to decrypt the files. BitLocker is comparable with your home key or the code of your bank account. LISA recommends the use of BitLocker
- JOIN (UT Document management system)JOIN is the university Document Management System (DMS) for the digital recording and management of documents. Using JOIN, cooperation with colleagues is more efficient and information can be viewed at any time from any workplace or from home. By only authorising staff to access the information they need for their work, a safe working environment is guaranteed. In addition, JOIN meets the statutory archiving and destruction requirements, so the archiving or destruction – or, on the other hand, the retention – of documents is taken proper care of. Remarks: Working at home When working on a UT PC/laptop Join can be used for home office without limitations. When working on a non-UT PC/laptop some functionality will be lost because the Join Now Software is not installed. For working with Join from a private PC/laptop it is advised to follow the following manual for working with Join without client software (download below this page). Working with JOIN We can create a working environment for you in JOIN and guide you
- Matlab & SimulinkThe University of Twente offers a campus-wide license to MATLAB, Simulink, and companion products. All employees and students are eligible to download and install these products on their university computers as well as their personally-owned computers. Licence details The University of Twente has a Total Academic Headcount (TAH) License for MATLAB, Simulink and the full suite of Add-On Toolboxes available to employees and students. Our license provides the widest and most up-to-date array of products, supporting everything from introductory level courses to advanced academic research. Available Add-On Products: MATLAB Polyspace Bug Finder Simulink Polyspace Code Prover 5G Toolbox Powertrain Blockset Aerospace Blockset Predictive Maintenance Toolbox Aerospace Toolbox RF Blockset Antenna Toolbox RF Toolbox Audio System Toolbox Risk Management Toolbox Automated Driving System Toolbox Robotics System Toolbox Bioinformatics Toolbox Robust Control Toolbox Communications Toolbox Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox Computer
- Microsoft Office 365 for students and employeesMicrosoft Office 365 is available for UT employees and students. Microsoft Office 365 is a Cloud service that consists of several applications like Word, Excel and PowerPoint which can be used both in the Cloud as well as on your own device. It also includes data storage (Microsoft OneDrive for Business). Data storage within OneDrive for Business is not a replacement for the data storage of the UT, but is offered as an additional service. For a list of the advantages and disadvantages of OneDrive refer to the FAQ below. Description We offer the following Office365 applications to employees and students: Application employees students Microsoft Forms x x Microsoft Planner x Microsoft Teams x x Office365 ProPlus (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook) x x Office Online (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote) x OneDrive for Business x x Power BI x Power BI Pro (x) Stream for Office365 x Sway x x Visio x Yammer x For more information on the various applications, see the FAQ's down below. Portal and Log on UT employees
- Notebook Service CentreFor every student at the University of Twente, a notebook is nowadays almost indispensable. You will need your notebook for communication with others, collecting information, making calculations and drawings, performing simulations and even taking exams. The University of Twente offers you the possibility to purchase a notebook via the Notebook Service Centre at a very attractive price and high quality. The NSC also offers an excellent service. In case of problems we supply an identical spare notebook withing the hour. Visit the Notebook Service Centre Click To order a notebook for study or private use or download software! Visit the Notebook Service Centre (NSC) website, to purchase a notebook for study or private use and download for downloading software.
- Oracle JavaRecently, oracle introduced new licensing terms for business use. Read what this means for you. What is Oracle Java? Java is a programming language and platform used for building applications that run on different operating systems. Java is often used for creating services and web applications. WHY DO I NEED TO REMOVE ORACLE JAVA? Recently Oracle has introduced new licensing terms for business use. This has direct financial implications for our institution, and we need your cooperation to ensure we comply with these new terms to avoid any legal consequences and costs. Do you have a device from UT or self-managed? Check which situation applies to you and read the manual. MY DEVICE IS FROM THE UT From 6 december, Oracle Java (except version 21*) will be automatically removed from your device. Thereafter, it will no longer be allowed to download and install Oracle Java on your device. Do you need Oracle Java in your work? There is a good alternative you can download, please check the link below. MY DEVICE IS NOT
- Remote Desktop Connection (RDP)A remote desktop is a program or an operating system feature that allows a user to connect to a computer in another location, see that computer's desktop and interact with it as if it were local. General Description Remote desktop software captures a device's screen and mouse and keyboard inputs and transmits them to another device, where a user can view or control it remotely. Requests A Remote Desktop Connection can only be requested by an ICT-contactperson through the Self-service Portal. Conditions To use this service, you must be connected to the UT network through cable, eduroam or eduVPN. Manuals Windows Connect to the UT network through cable, eduroam or eduVPN. Type remote in the start menu and open Remote Desktop Connection. Type the name of the computer you want to connect to, followed by .ad.utwente.nl (e.g. ut123456.ad.utwente.nl) and select Connect. Enter your UT e-mail address and password to log on. MacOS Connect to the UT network through cable, eduroam or eduVPN. Download the Microsoft Remote
- Software for your private computer (students/employees)The information on this page applies to computers that are not controlled by the UT ICT departement. Therefore information below is written for Student laptops Employee Windows laptops where you do not login with your UT account (e.g. your private computer) Related pages For employees: software for your UT Windows computer links to For the default employee computers controlled by the UT ICT department: where you use your UT account to login to Windows Microsoft office Microsoft Office 365 (incl Microsoft Teams and OneDrive) is available for students. The licence is verified by using your UT account to activate the product. You can download the application(s) or use the web version on office.com. Good to know: since Outlook is part of the Microsoft Office package, your student webmail in Outlook is also available on office.com. Microsoft Office 365 for students and employees links to Read more on our Microsoft Office 365 for students and employees page: applications included in the package, FAQ, etc. study software
- Software for your work computerMicrosoft Software Center and self service application for macos is available for installing UT software for employees on UT workstations Software for Windows ut workstations General information Description At the University of Twente we us the Microsoft Software Center. This is an application on your computer, which arranges matters for Windows updates application installations complete Windows installations Updates Microsoft releases updates, will be made available via Microsoft Software Center . Every second Tuesday of the month the updates are made available and can be installed by yourself. Note: after one week the updates will be installed mandatory and a restart will follow. The Microsoft Software Center provides multiple notifications in the notification center about updates. Applications Frequently used applications can be found in Microsoft Software Center. Requests The Microsoft Software Center can be found via the magnifying glass at the bottom left of the screen, right next to the Windows start button
- UNIX Server (EEMCS employees only)For EWI employees Unix is a network operating system with multitasking and multi-user capabilities. On this server, data fields are available that are provided centrally. Windows users can log on to this Unix server and then gain access to Linux software. Applications An application is not required; this service is generally available to all EWI employees. A home directory that is better suited for the Linux server must be applied for separately from the Servicedesk ICT. Costs The costs are paid by the EWI faculty. Conditions The following is necessary for the use of the UNIX remote login server: A computer with internet connection. An UT ICT account. You work at the EWI faculty. SSH software (PuTTY or SSH-client for Windows, OS X and Linux do not require any extra software). Support Support is provided by the Servicedesk ICT. The use of these servers is similar to the use of a normal workplace.
- Van Dale DictionaryDictionaries (online) are available in the Library Databases A-Z