Codes of conduct

General UT codes of conduct
  • Agression protocol / AgressieprotocolProtocol for employees about dealing with aggression and violence: prevention, urgency and aftercareENNL
  • Code of conduct for acceptable and unacceptable behaviour / Code ongewenst gedragWe expect respect, integrity, honesty and consideration for others within UT.ENNL
  • Code of Ethics / GedragscodeBasic principles of integrity for everyone who is a part of UT (students/staff) and/or who represents UT. The code also provides guidelines for the way in which UT acts with respect to clients, students, partners, staff and society in general.ENNL
  • Code of conduct for personal relationships in the workplace / Gedragscode Persoonlijke Relaties op de WerkvloerThis code of conduct aims to inform all staff at the University of Twente how to deal with any possible overlap between professional and private relationships.ENNL
  • Reporting code for domestic violence and child abuse / Meldcode huiselijk geweld en kindermishandelingUT has drawn up a reporting code that students and staff can follow if they suspect that (fellow) students or children who participate in an activity organised by UT are involved in domestic violence or child abuse.ENNL
  • Digital code of conduct / Digitale gedragscodeWith this code of conduct, the University sets rules regarding the desired use of these assets. The aim is to balance responsible and safe ICT and internet use and the employee's privacyENNL
  • Responsible alcohol consumption / Verantwoord alcoholgebruikThe UT recognises the problem of alcohol consumption and considers it important to raise awareness of the consequences of alcohol consumption for the health of students and employees.ENNL
  • Non-smoking policy / Rookvrij-beleidIn June 2019, UT joined the foundation 'Gezondheidsfondsen voor Rookvrij' (in Dutch). As a partner of this foundation, UT works towards a non-smoking generation.ENNL
  • Whistleblower code / KlokkenluidersregelingPart and parcel of a safe work and study environment is the ability to report any
    suspected wrongdoing or information concerning breaches.

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