HomeEventsThe future of Synchromodal logistics and the enabling role of IT

The future of Synchromodal logistics and the enabling role of IT Closing event of the Dinalog project SynchromodalIT

The SynchromodalIT consortium kindly invites you to participate in the closing event of their joint research project that was dedicated to the development of analytical tools and an IT platform for synchromodal logistics. The central theme is “The future of Synchromodal logistics and the enabling role of IT”. The opening speech will be given by Henk Zijm, professor Production and Supply Chain Management at the University of Twente, and former director of Dinalog, the Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics. After a few highlights regarding most significant project results, the consortium members will give presentations and provide software demonstrations. The afternoon will end with a serious gaming session.


12:00 – 12:30 Coffee and lunch
12:30 – 12:40 Greetings and welcome, Prof. dr. Jos van Hillegersberg
12:40 – 13:15  Keynote speech, Prof. dr. Henk Zijm
13:15 – 13:30  SynchromodalIT research highlights
13:30 – 15:30 SynchromodalIT in practice
15:30 – 16:45 Serious gaming session
16:45              Drinks and snacks

Location: DesignLab University of Twente, Hengelosestraat 500, 7522 Enschede. Language of the event is English.

Please confirm your participation at this event before December 5th, 2016, by sending an email to: m.e.iacob@utwente.nl