Dutch university degree


Perhaps you need to take a pre-master's first to prepare you for the UT master's of your choice. A pre-master's is a transfer programme for Dutch higher professional education (‘HBO’ in Dutch) students or bachelor's or master's students of Dutch universities, intended to bridge the gap between your current bachelor's and your future master's. Once you have successfully completed the pre-master's, you will be granted admission to the master’s.

How to apply?

If you find out you need to take a pre-master's, you have to sign up for the master's of your choice first. Before starting the application procedure you should always check the application deadlines. Some of our master's have deviant application deadlines.

Not finished yet with your bachelor's degree?

You can apply for admission to a (pre-)master’s at UT, even if you still have to complete your bachelor’s. Bear in mind that applying for admission and enrolling are two separate procedures: you cannot enrol until you have been given a positive admission decision. You may be granted a conditional acceptance based on your transcripts, detailed curriculum information, relevant research and expected graduation date. However, to finish your enrolment you need to submit your bachelor’s degree before you can start the (pre-)master’s.

Two HBO study routes

Are you currently an HBO student? You have to pass a pre-master's to attend a UT master’s. There are two ways: you can follow a pre-master's during or after completing your HBO study.  Pre-master's are personalised and may vary in study load. 

  • During HBO

    To start a master's at UT as an HBO student, you need to take a transfer programme to bring your knowledge to the desired level. You can use your minor space to complete a pre-master's in whole or in part, allowing you to progress more quickly to a one- or two-year master's. 

    Not only is this a unique opportunity that will save you a lot of time, but it will also save you a lot of money. Of course, you already pay tuition fees for your bachelor's at the university. Moreover, you can already see whether your future master's meets your expectations.

    study load and Content 

    The study load of this so-called transfer minor depends on the master's that you want to follow and is master related. Most transfer minors consist out of 30 ECTS. In some cases, if the transfer programme consists out of 45 ECTS, you are required to complete the remainder after obtaining your university of applied sciences bachelor's degree. The content and admission requirements differ per master's and can be found at the relevant master's webpages.

    Starting date

    Most of the pre-master's start in September, with a few offering the additional possibility to start in February.

    Transfer minor admission conditions

    To be admitted to the transfer minor you need to meet the admission conditions. In addition to a relevant university of applied sciences certificate and a positive recommendation from your examination committee you need to have:

    1. Obtained all ECTS from the first and second academic years of the programme.
    2. Some master's require English and programme-relevant Mathematics at pre-university education level, the so-called VWO level (derived from the entrance examination)

    This is possible by:

    • having previously obtained a pre-university education certificate
    • being able to demonstrate that within your education programme sufficient English and/or Mathematics education was provided during the first and second year
    • meeting already the language requirements for international students

    Note: In the Netherlands, a distinction is made between the so-called technical (VWO-B) and non-technical (VWO-A) Mathematics, intended for the transfer to technical and non-technical master's programmes respectively.

    Admissible for which master's?

    With the help of the transfer matrix, you can get acquainted with the UT offer of master's and the programmes to which you can be admitted. Saxion students also can check our UT-Saxion transfer matrix.

    Start online application

    Please check the application deadlines before you start your application. If you have already done this, you can start your application for a transfer programme (Kies op maat)


    Any questions about the transfer minor can be mailed to our
    Study Information centre. Saxion students can also mail to doorstroom@saxion.nl

  • Completed HBO

    Having obtained a bachelor's certificate from the University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands you can be eligible for a master's at UT. This will normally be conditional, based on deficiencies because of differences in level and prior knowledge. To remove these deficiencies, a student is appointed a transfer programme, the so-called pre-master. After completing this transfer programme the student can transfer to a one or two year master's.

    completed hbo route

    study load and Content

    The study load of the transfer programme depends on the master's you wish to enrol in. Most transfer programmes vary from 30 to 45 ECTS. The content and admission requirements differ per master's and can be found on the relevant master's web pages. Here you can also find the start date of the transfer's and master’s.


    Most of the programmes start in September, with a few offering the additional possibility to start in February.

    Brush up on English and Mathematics

    Because most master's are taught in English and a profound level in Mathematics is indispensable, it is recommended (and sometimes Mathematics and English at pre-university level (VWO) is one of the conditions for admission) that you freshen or brush up your knowledge of English and Mathematics before starting with the transfer programme. Additional courses can be taken at, for example, Babel and Boswell Bèta or the Open Universiteit.

    Admissible for which master?

    Want to know in advance which master's you can be admitted to? Visit doorstroommatrix.nl. If there's no information on transferring to UT from your HBO study, check the information at the relevant master's webpages or contact the Study Information Centre

    Start online application

    Have you checked the deadlines for application? You can then follow the application instructions

  • Visit the Master Open Day and ask your questions

    Master Open Day

    Twice a year there is a Master Open Day at the University of Twente. You can attend presentations of the master’s of your interest. In addition, you can visit our information market with plenty of opportunities to freely discuss your questions about the master's, admission requirements and transfer possibilities.

    HBO session during the Master Open Day

    HBO students can join a special information session about transferring to a master's at UT via a pre-master's. You will learn more about the different transfer possibilities, admission requirements, application procedure and costs of a pre-master's. Furthermore, you can talk to a student who finished one. Check the Master Open Day page for the date and registration.

    Information Session Saxion

    If you are a student of Saxion you can also join special information sessions in September and February at Saxion 'With minor to master'. Here you can find out how you can use your minor to transfer to the master's of your choice as efficient as possible. Any questions about the Saxion transfer minor can be mailed to doorstroom@saxion.nl

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