HomeEducationMasterHow to apply?For Dutch HBO students

Transfering during HBO bachelor’s 

Start your application for a master's

Are you enrolled in or finished with a bachelor’s at a university of applied sciences (HBO) and are you not done with studying yet? Continuing with a master’s at a research university might be an interesting option.

The University of Twente (UT) offers a wide range of (pre-)master’s programmes, and lots of possibilities to specialise in various fields, ranging from engineering and natural and health sciences to behavioural and management sciences.

Why continuing with a master’s after HBO?

A research university-level master's allows you to deepen your professional knowledge and build expertise in a particular specialisation, but it also allows you to broaden your knowledge. You complement the practice-based knowledge you acquired at your HBO-bachelor’s with academic research skills and learn to connect ‘how’ with ‘why’. You get the best of both worlds! Moreover, you will increase your chances on the job market.

Master's at a research university

A master's can be a valuable addition to your HBO bachelor’s degree. Are you curious whether a master’s at a research university (WO) fits you? We have listed the main differences between HBO and WO for you.



'How does this work'? 

'Why does it work this way?'

Creating practical solutions to solve a problem

Analysing a problem using theory and scientific research

Learning how to apply theory

Studying theory and generating new knowledge 

Improving existing applications (in close contact with companies)

Designing new applications 

Education is more practical, mandatory internships are common 

Education is more theoretical, doing an internship is voluntary

Pre-master's after hbo

After your bachelor’s degree, you are faced with a choice. Will you go straight into the job market or would you rather continue studying? Following a university-level master's can be an attractive option. As a bachelor's student at a Dutch university of applied sciences (HBO), you can move on to a one- or two-year UT master's programme. Your journey at a research university starts with a pre-master’s: a transfer programme to bridge the gap between a HBO bachelor's and a university-level master's. It is an addition to your bachelor's, providing you (academic) knowledge and skills that are vital for the master's.

There is no such thing as a general pre-master's programme; the subject package is linked to the master of your choice and your previous education. For hbo students, this is usually a 30 ECTS course package, with subjects such as research methodology, mathematics and academic skills, tailored to the master's field of study. There are two ways to follow a pre-master's programme: after or during your bachelor's.

  • Doing a pre-master's after your bachelor's

    After you have completed your bachelor’s at a university of applied sciences, you have the possibility to transfer to a master’s at a research university. To make this transition, you first do a pre-master’s. When you apply for a master’s, the match between your bachelor’s and the master’s in question will be assessed, and in case of gaps, it will be checked if these can be bridged through a pre-master’s. After you have completed the pre-master’s, you are ready to start your master’s.

    Tuition fee

    Most pre-master’s at UT consist of 30 ECTS. This equals six months of study. That means that, depending on which master’s you choose, you can complete your master’s within 1.5 or 2.5 years. The tuition fee for the pre-master’s depends on the length of the programme. You pay a fixed fee per credit. 

    How to apply

    It is important to know that if you choose to do a pre-master’s after completing your bachelor’s, you register for the master’s – not for the corresponding pre-master’s. To apply for a master’s, go to Studielink. Our admissions office will assess your application and then change your registration to a pre-master’s. To learn more about admission requirements, application deadlines and other details, go to the programme page for the master’s you want to enrol in.

  • Doing a pre-master's during your bachelor's

    As a bachelor’s student at a university of applied sciences, you can choose to complete (part of) your pre-master’s by doing a transfer minor while completing your bachelor’s. In essence, this transfer minor is the same as doing a pre-master’s – the only difference is that you complete it during your bachelor’s, instead of after. The transfer minor offers you a unique opportunity to not only save time, but also a considerable amount of money, as you are already paying a tuition fee for your bachelor’s. Moreover, by doing the transfer minor, you can get a better sense of what the master’s is like and find out if it matches your expectations.

    Most pre-master’s at UT consist of 30 EC, which means they can be completed in six months – making it the perfect minor!  

    How to apply
    Before you register, check the admission requirements and application deadlines for the master’s you want to enrol in. If you are eligible for admission, you can apply for a transfer minor on the Kies Op Maat website.

Am I eligible for admission?

The main admission requirement is to have a bachelor's degree from a Dutch university of applied sciences that sufficiently matches the master's of your choice. Depending on your choice, you may face additional requirements, for example in the field of mathematics or English. We strongly advise you to brush up your English and mathematical skills before starting the pre-master's programme, even though this is not an official requirement. The admission requirements for each (pre-)master’s are available through the programme pages

Check the transfer tool below to see which transfer options are available to you. Is your programme or institution not listed? Check whether a comparable bachelor's degree is offered at one of the listed institutions. If it is admissible, you may also qualify. If in doubt, always contact us.

Which UT master's can you follow with your previous education?
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