Study overview Bsc Business Information Technology

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almost all aspects of businesses – from administration, finance and customer contact to factory design and machine maintenance – are intricately intertwined with information technology.

 In this challenging programme, you will get what it takes to help companies – including their employees, machines and processes – to perform better and more sustainably in our rapidly digitalising society. You will soon feel at home in business administration, covering disciplines such as business modelling, finance engineering and project management.

You will also become an IT expert with knowledge of programming, software design, the interaction between humans and technology, or workflow management systems allowing you to automate logistical, administrative and financial business processes within an organisation. This Bachelor's will help you understand the problems and challenges companies can face and will equip you with the skills needed to solve them by designing and implementing effective, future-oriented complex socio-technical and cyber-physical systems.

Modules Business Information Technology

Throughout your three-year Bachelor's in Business Information Technology, you will complete twelve modules: four modules per year. In each module, you will address a theme that is hot in society, business or industry.

Overview modules

  • Year 1EC
    • Module 1 | Intro to Business Information Technology15

      This module provides an introduction to the field of Business Information Technology. It will offer you a good overview of various subjects within computer science and business administration. After completing this module you will soon have a clear picture of the whole programme and field of work – and you’ll know for sure whether or not this is the programme for you. In this module you will join forces with students of Industrial Engineering & Management and Technical Computer Science, which is typical of the programme’s multidisciplinarity. You will round off the module with a challenging team project involving the development of an app for one of the stakeholders behind the well-known Batavierenrace. These stakeholders can be athletes, doctors, organisers, spectators or motorcyclists. Student teams before you have created apps for taking bets on the race, for ordering pizzas quickly and easily, or for finding free parking space along the route.

    • Module 2 | Software Development15

      In this module, you will learn how to design and create software. Both software design and programming will have a prominent role: you will start with an analysis of the requirements and finish with a working programme. In your final project, you will apply this knowledge to design and programme a multi-player game in a structured manner.

    • Module 3 | Business and Process Analytics15

      During this module, you will dig deeper into a number of core aspects of information systems. The subjects are: Databases, Business Intelligence and Business Process Management. This module calls for academic and research skills, as well as a systematic, problem-solving approach that combines design, research and decision-making. This will help you develop a broad overview of the business intelligence and business performance management you will come across later. In the team project, you get to create a business performance dashboard for a company, and to develop a web application for supporting a specific business process.

    • Module 4 | Data & Information15

      In this last module of the first year, you will familiarise yourself with a number of techniques necessary for building Business Information systems, such as web applications, databases and web services. You will learn to work with Scrum, a project management and software development method. This module also has a substantial project (worth 6 ECs), in which you will address a problem within an existing company with the skills you’ve acquired in the rest of the module.

  • Year 2EC
    • Module 5 | Finance for Engineers15

      In this module you take classes together with students of Industrial Engineering & Management. You learn the main principles of financial valuation, and how to apply valuation techniques in determining the value of bond, shares, firms as well as simple financial options. Furthermore, you learn how to interpret real-world financial figures related to (external) financial accounting and (internal) management accounting. You will also get to know the financial market, and acquire insight in the pricing of stock options and other derivatives. The umbrella project for this module has been set up in association with the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM).

    • Module 6 | Intelligent Interaction Design15

      This module focuses on designing, realising and evaluating the interaction between people and technology. During the project, you will work in a multidisciplinary student team with students from our Technical Computer Science programme. You and your team have to develop an interactive and intelligent system, with the help of Artificial Intelligence, which you then evaluate with potential users. This allows you to discover the value of a good interface. Additionally, you will also deepen your knowledge of statistics, and learn about quantitative and qualitative methods for setting up user studies. You will also get familiar with various techniques for modelling intelligent system behaviour. 

    • Module 7 | From Product Design to online Business15

      This module focuses on the theory and practice of designing and developing innovative start-up companies. Your knowledge of business information technology will come in handy for developing startups and innovative business models. More specifically, you will learn more about business strategies, business models, marketing, supply chain management, ICT architecture, ERP systems and sustainability. In the team project, you invent and develop a new product, which you then place on the market via your own (online) company. You will cover the entire process, from making a prototype to organising the administrative aspects for online sales. One of our teams made a digital bathroom mirror, in which users can watch the news, check the weather forecast, or catch up on emails, while shaving or washing. Another team set up a business for selling speciality beers via the Internet.

    • Module 8 | IT Project Management15

      In the final module of the second year, you will get to know the main professional IT project management methods, techniques, and standards. The focus is on managing larger projects with higher levels of uncertainty and complexity. These are projects aimed at realizing larger organisational benefits, such as functional improvements or re-engineering, integration of organisational functions, or repositioning an organisation in relation to its customers and suppliers. You will learn all about different project phases, the strategic, organisational and enterprise architectural context of IT projects, and how project management methodologies fit into the wider context. For your project, you and your team get to work for an external company on managing an IT project according to this organisation’s (sometimes implicit) objectives and requirements. Then, by drawing on information from other projects in the module and attending guest lectures by experienced project managers, CIO’s and CEO’s, you and your team will explore the external validity of what you have learned in your own project and will document these insights in a reflection report.

  • Year 3EC
    • Modules 9&10 | Electives30

      For modules 9 & 10 these are your options: Take subjects to deepen your knowledge of Business Information Technology, such as Serious Gaming or Web Science, or broaden your knowledge with subjects from other programmes, such as Creative Technology or International Business Administration. Or spend half a year (two modules, or one semester) studying at another university in the Netherlands or abroad. You could also sign up with one of our student teams. Or complete a pre-masters in preparation for a master’s degree other than Business Information Technology or Computer Science, such as a technical Master’s, or one of our social science programmes. Is your ambition to teach? Choose the Education minor and get a second-degree teaching qualification. This allows you to work as a teacher at secondary school level. Note: this minor is in Dutch.

    • Module 11 | BIT INC.15

      You and your fellow students focus on a practical organisational problem, related to IT application, within a real organisation. The problem is to be approached in a systematic and methodological correct manner. This module integrates all knowledge, methods, techniques and approaches you acquired throughout the rest of the study, and gives you the opportunity to develop your consulting and advisory skills. You work together in project teams. Your customers are existing IT enterprises, who will also host you during the assignments.

    • Module 12 | Research Project15

      Module 12 is your graduation assignment. You get to present your own scientific research at the Twente Student Conference on IT. The conference is similar to a real science conference. Some students’ research reports are so good that they actually get published in scientific conferences and journals afterwards. This offers an excellent learning experience and constitutes an exciting conclusion to your Bachelor’s programme. You can gear your choice of graduation assignment topics towards preparing for a master’s specialisation or programme.

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First time at university

When you are a first-year student, you experience many new things. Here we start explaining at least a few of them.

  • You complete modules

    During your three-year bachelor's programme, you will take 12 modules (4 modules per year). Each module, you will address a theme that is hot in society, business or industry. This theme will bring together all the components of your study: theory and practice, research, designing solutions, self-study and teamwork.

    A fixed part of every module is the team project, in which you and your teammates apply the knowledge you have acquired to a current challenge and design a workable solution. This learning method is part of the Twente Education Model (TOM): an innovative approach to studying that you will only find at the University of Twente.

  • Study points - how do they work?

    Student workload at Dutch universities is expressed in EC, also named ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), which is widely used throughout the European Union. In the Netherlands, each credit represents 28 hours of work. You need to acquire 60 credits each year.

    Your programme assigns fixed numbers of hours to each assignment, project report or exam. In the first year, you need to get at least 45 out of 60 points to be able to continue to the second year.

  • Did you obtain 45 or more credit points? Then you can continue to the 2nd year

    Our aim is to get you in the right place as soon as possible, which is why we use the principle of a binding recommendation. You will receive a positive recommendation if you have obtained 45 EC including 3 math components, or 51 EC including 2 math components in the first year. A negative recommendation is binding and means you have to leave the programme. Under certain circumstances, we may give you a positive recommendation despite a low score. For example, if we are confident that you are in the right place. 

    Do personal circumstances such as illness or problems interfere with your study performance? Student Affairs Coaching & Counselling (SACC) is there to support you. 

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