HomeEvenementenCyberCafé: Safety, Security & Privacy

CyberCafé: Safety, Security & Privacy

Veel mensen werken aan dit thema. Maar weet je eigenlijk wel hoe je collega's bij andere instituten daar mee omgaan. Is er overlap of mogelijkheid tot samenwerking. Het CyberCafé is het platform bij uitstek om ideeën uit te wisselen en samenwerking te bewerkstelligen.

Schrijf je voor 17 september in via cybercafe-ctit@utwente.nl

Op die manier kunnen wij onze catering voor iedereen goed verzorgen.


16:00 - 16:10      Opening
16:10 - 17:00      Keynote Talk door Prof. Dr. Frank Kargl (Universiteit Ulm, Duitsland). See title and abstract below
17:00 - 18:30      Café-style discussie met drankjes en hapjes


Blockchains and Smart Contracts - Hype or Disruptive Technology


In this talk, Prof. Kargl will provide an introduction to blockchain and smart contracts and will illustrate opportunities and challenges of these technologies. In particular he will point out where it is no use to even consider a blockchain-based system. Next, he will illustrate research from his group in the projects PriCloud and SAMPL. PriCloud investigates privacy-preserving cloud-based file-storage that includes a blockchain-based currency to provide anonymous payment for storage providers while keeping the identity of the users of the system fully secret. In SAMPL, they investigate how blockchains and smart contracts can be used to implement a de-centralized license management for design of 3D-printed objects.


Prof. Frank Kargl leads the Institute of Distributed Systems at Ulm University where he, together with his group, investigates security and privacy in distributed sensor-actor systems like vehicular networks or industrial control systems, security in high-speed networks, security and privacy in blockchain-based systems and many other topics. His long-term goal is to develop the necessary technology to allow complex and comfortable IT systems and cyber-physical systems to be designed and built for many different scenarios without sacrificing security and privacy. Prof. Kargl was associate professor in the Distributed and Embedded Security (DIES) group of the University of Twente from end of 2009 to beginning of 2012. Afterwards, until January 2016 he held an adjunct professor position in the same group.

We kijken uit naar je komst!

Irna van der Molen | Andreas Peter | Anna Sperotto | Marielle Stoelinga