MC image bank


With the image bank, UT manages (current) photos and makes them available to users within UT.

Within the image bank, we distinguish between several categories/owners of the photos:
Marketing & Communication | UToday | PreU | DesignLab | Student Union | VU-UT

Direct login
Open 'Beeldbank'
Login is available for all students and staff. By default (without any additional rights), you can download small format photos (up to 900 px). To receive photos in a larger format, request them via the shopping cart in the system or request the role 'downloader' for your account so that you can download them without the intervention of the central editorial staff.
Historical image bank

UT has a separate public image bank for historical material: Within the historical image bank, you can download images of low quality. To receive the original size images, please request them through the historical images request form.

How to/manuals

The manuals are only available on the Dutch version of this page. We will add short English instructions one the Dutch manuals have been reviewed.

Rights and roles

Binnen het systeem kennen we verschillende rollen, afhankelijk van welke taken een gebruiker moet uitvoeren: 

  • File creation - Set up a dossier (with meta information and quitclaim form), including the right to add photos to the dossier. 
  • Uploader - Upload images (but cannot create a dossier)
  • Downloader - Download (full size) images directly, without approval of the central admin team.
  • External users - Get a login with an x-account and request photos using the system's shopping cart feature. Direct download rights are not available for external users.

* UT staff can request x-accounts for non-UT members. For details, see Once the IT department has set up the x-account, request rights for the photographer using the request button below.


Image editors/admin team
Image editors
Image editors

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About Favourites
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The My Organisation section shows mandatory bookmarks for your your main unit.

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