- Brand RegistrationA brand is an identifiable sign, design, symbol, name, term, or a combination thereof, used to distinguish the products or services of an organisation from others. It is a means to communicate the reputation, quality, and/or values of a product or service. A brand often creates an emotional connection with consumers and contributes to building loyalty and differentiating products or services. When to register something as a brand? A good brand name contributes to clarifying our identity and building trust in our organisation. To ensure that competitors cannot damage this, we at UT have registered several brands. On one hand, to protect our intellectual property, on the other hand, to maintain competitive advantage and differentiation. However, the decision to register a brand requires careful consideration and analysis. Below you will find the criteria and considerations that UT uses when deciding on brand registration and the process. Consider it as a transparent and consistent framework for managing and protecting
- Communication materials and signing on campus (indoor/outdoor)The faculties, service departments, educational programmes and institutes are keen to publicise events on campus or details of their own unit. The same applies to the University of Twente (UT) as a whole. The façades of buildings, banners and other publicity/communication options on campus can be used for this purpose. The layout of publicity/communication material must always be compliant with the university’s corporate identity. The Marketing & Communication department (hereinafter MC) bears ultimate responsibility for such matters: MC creates and assesses such publicity/communication material as a way of managing the university’s corporate identity and its implementation. This also helps to prevent the chaotic proliferation of publicity/communication material on our campus. Would you like to submit a request regarding publicity/communication material? If so, details of the procedure involved are given below. 1. Request procedure for new publicity/communication material Phase 1: submission Requests are submitted
- Corporate presentation, video & facts/figuresThe corporate presentation of the University of Twente is a good basis for every presentation given to an external group. Besides using the complete basic version, it is also possible to choose optional slides e.g. organisational structure, student teams, our campus, alumni facts etcetera. Corporate presentation (Powerpoint slides, English, Note: this presentation has online videos and needs an internet connection). Corporate presentation with videos (PowerPoint slides, English, Note: this presentation works without internet. Larger file!). Corporate video Curiosity (on YouTube) Campus video Catch the campus feeling (on YouTube) Website Facts and Figures - current Website Facts and Figures - archive Looking for the empty Powerpoint template in UT style? See the Templates & Downloads page.
- Illustrations & Business DrawingsWith illustrations and drawings you attract attention, creating more impact with your message Are you in need of a custom illustration or professional business drawing? Whether it's enhancing your subsidy application, promoting your research on social media in a clear and engaging manner, or making your information more visually appealing, we specialize in creating (scientific) illustrations, interactive visuals, infographics, and business drawings. For more information about illustrations, business drawings, infographics and graphic design, please contact Traffic. Carrousel (Visible in Serviceportal as slideshow) Business drawings Download full portfolio Kim Hovestad links to Portfolio Kim Hovestad EN jan2024 (1).pdf
- MC image bankWith the image bank, UT manages (current) photos and makes them available to users within UT. Within the image bank, we distinguish between several categories/owners of the photos: Marketing & Communication | UToday | PreU | DesignLab | Student Union | VU-UT Direct login Open 'Beeldbank' Login is available for all students and staff. By default (without any additional rights), you can download small format photos (up to 900 px). To receive photos in a larger format, request them via the shopping cart in the system or request the role 'downloader' for your account so that you can download them without the intervention of the central editorial staff. Historical image bank UT has a separate public image bank for historical material: beeldbank.utwente.nl. Within the historical image bank, you can download images of low quality. To receive the original size images, please request them through the historical images request form. How to/manuals The manuals are only available on the Dutch version of this page. We will
- Merchandise and promotional gifts webshopIn the UT webshop, you will find the UT gifts and merchandise. Unigear is our supplier for these items We aim to have a 100% sustainable & inclusive collection. In stock we have promotional gifts for awareness purposes during events etc., relational gifts and products that you can use for yourself. Here you can order for yourself or for a department or event Please note: we have two webshops for ordering. Business order Do you have to make a business order (internal UT)? Use Proactis to order by work order number. For access to Proactis and ordering, please contact your secretariat or finance department. BUSINESS ORDER Private order Do you want to make a private order? Please order via the consumer webshop. You can have these orders delivered to your home (subject to delivery charges) or free delivery on campus* (twice a week). PRIVATE ORDER Contact UNIGEAR Didn't find a suitable item or want to customize your order? Please contact Unigear: Unigear Custom orders are always checked by Traffic for correct application
- Order stationery: letterheads and envelopesYou can order our corporate letterheads and corporate envelopes using the order form below. The corporate letterheads and envelopes are both pre-printed. You can order plain paper at Lyreco. Letterheads and envelopes are in stock in the central mailroom in the Garage building. The order will be sent by internal mail to the specified address on campus. If you have any questions about an order, please contact the central mailroom in the Garage building at phone 2118. Order placer Name: Faculty/Service department: E-mail: Telephone number: Ofi-number: Delivery address Address: Room number: Building: Letter paper Number of boxes corporate letter paper. One box contains 500 pieces. € 12,50 Dutch DUTCH PRINT C5 house style envelopes without window, contains freepost number. One box contains 500 pieces. € 12,50 C5 house style envelopes without window, confidential. One box contains 500 pieces. € 12,50 C4 house style envelopes with left window. One box contains 250 pieces. € 20,00 C4 house style envelopes without window
- Presentation supportLooking for help or advice on preparing a presentation for a subsidy application or something else? A good presentation can make all the difference in achieving your goal. This page contains tips, instructions and references to support you. Preparation The Communications Department is happy to provide input in respect of developing the message and identifying the information needs of the target groups. Contact the communications advisor for your unit for support. Guides and templates Use the official PowerPoint templates. You can find visual material in the MC/UToday image repository beeldbank-mc.utwente.nl. All UT employees can log in to access the internal photo database. To download large size images, put them in your shopping card and 'order' them digitally. Contact Traffic if you want to get in touch with a professional (paid) graphic designer who can help you with your presentation. Tips for a good presentation Choose a clear story line with a clearly defined beginning, middle and end. Tailor your presentation
- Printed (design) materials: Traffic request formOrder form for all customised printed promotion materials: brochures, flyers, folders leaflet, poster, flags, banners on buildings etc. (Promotiemateriaal zoals rolbanners/rolbanieren en brochures laten maken).
- Templates and downloads: UT logo, powerpoint, posters, etcThe house-style contains various aspects which can be reflected in a report or presentation so you can communicatie recognisably as UT. Here, you can download everything you need, from logos to Powerpoint presentations and posters. Can’t find the template that you need? Contact the Traffic department. Quick logo download If you only need the basic version of the logo, download the logo as .png file here. For the white version and other file formats, see the information below. Public templates and downloads The logos are publicly available for our external partners. Video templates are available for our external suppliers. Logo University of Twente Here, you can download the University of Twente’s logo in various formats, white and black, for both printed work as well as online. The logos contain some 'whitespace' as shown below. This indicates how the logo is positioned related to the edge of the page: Download UT logo links to https://www.utwente.nl/en/service-portal/services/mc/resources/visual-identity/downloads
- Visual Identity / house style UTGeneral information about how the UT visual identity is set up, what elements are used and how it visualises our story. The University of Twente is a pioneer in connecting technology, science and engineering with social sciences in order to make a difference in the world around us. In order to present our education and research in the market, it is important that all of the elements are clearly recognisable as representing the University of Twente. To profile this brand, all of the elements are processed under the main brand of the University of Twente. The visual identity of the brand is characterised by a sleek, no-nonsense logo, the clean spatial divisions and the use of the totality of elements that represent the various aspects of the university. How this identity is created and the principles which are centralised therein are set out in the rationale. Universiteit Twente | Animation Studio Dumbar developed a new visual identity for Universiteit Twente. They asked us to translate their graphical concept to