University of Twente Research Information is the public portal where profiles, research units, projects, research output, datasets, activities, prizes and press/media are published.
Pure Research Information is the back-end system where researchers can manage their profiles, research units, projects, research output, datasets, activities, prizes and press/media.
Create a publication list for your website: generate a script to place in the HTML of your group and/or personal webpage. The publication list application is shown in the Webhare start screen after login. Visit for more information Embed Publications (intranet).
- contactConsult your Pure faculty manager for any questions about Pure and/or Research Information System(s) at the UT. For general questions about Pure please contact the UT Pure library support team.
- FAQ/QRCThe Frequently Asked Questions and Quick Reference Cards gathered in one overview.
- What's newWhat's new in University of Twente Research Information Systems.