Annual interview (FJUT) for employees

14-11-2023 Under construction

The information on this page is outdated. We are currently redesigning our annual appraisals. We aim to provide this page with up-to-date and improved content in the first quarter of 2025. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Your annual performance cycle

Here you will find guidelines including a description of the cycle and useful suggestions for links to help you prepare for your reviews.

Organizational development and the development of professionals are becoming ever more important at the UT. We believe you should be aware of how you can contribute to our shared goals, that you reach agreements to hold up your end and that you get due recognition for the performance you deliver.

The annual performance cycle is the tool used by the UT to reach agreements with individual members of staff, to monitor their progress, to offer timely guidance and, ultimately, to evaluate the results achieved.

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The Mid-Year Review

For all employees

For academic staff (WP)

  • Annual performance cycle (WP)

    The UT uses the Annual Performance Appraisal Cycle as an instrument for making agreements with individual staff members and following their progress. This instrument enables us to offer any necessary guidance or direction in a timely fashion and, ultimately, to evaluate the results.

    In this guideline, we will explain what the annual performance appraisal cycle entails and how staff members can prepare for the appraisals.


    During the annual performance appraisal cycle, agreements between the supervisor and the staff member are recorded and monitored. This happens twice a year in an annual performance appraisal and a progress review.


    Once per calendar year, supervisors and staff members have an annual performance appraisal meeting. This is a two-way discussion that consists of two parts:

    1.  Reviewing agreements that have been made in the past year
      We evaluate the results and development of the previous year. As part of the evaluation, the supervisor assesses the results achieved by the staff member. These are measured using a 5-point scale. The overall assessment of the staff member's performance can vary from well above expectations to well below expectations.

    2. Making agreements for the coming year
      We make agreements for the coming year with regard to work results, behaviour and professional development. This is done within the framework of the University Job Classification profile and the corresponding competencies.

     To record and evaluate result agreements, we use the AFAS application.


    Halfway through the year, we conduct a progress review during which the supervisor and staff member take stock of the progress made on the agreements. As part of the review, the current situation regarding agreements made in the annual performance appraisal meeting is considered and the supervisor and staff member discuss whether these agreements need to be adjusted.

    What kind of agreements are made?

    In the AFAS application, agreements are recorded with regard to:

    • Results
    • Behaviour and competency development
    • Career development
    • Miscellaneous  

    What topics could be addressed in the course of the annual performance appraisal?

    The content of the annual performance appraisal is determined by the agreements made in the previous year and the wishes and ambitions of the staff member, as well as by new developments in the organization, team or discipline. Take a look at the 'Current topics academic staff' page for examples and topics.

    How do you prepare for the annual performance appraisal?

    You prepare for the annual performance appraisal by completing the form provided by the AFAS application prior to the meeting. State whether results - agreed upon in the previous year - have been achieved and how. During the meeting, you will discuss the details of the results and the way in which they were accomplished. The feedback you have obtained is also laid down in this form. When you have completed the form, you submit it as a concept to your supervisor. (see a way of working in AFAS).

    Make SMART agreements

    Always try to specify first what the end result will be once the agreement has been fulfilled. Keep asking yourself the question: “How can I tell that the end result is good? “ and “How can I tell that I am successful?”. As a final check, you assess whether you have formulated the result agreement in a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic and Time-Bound) manner.

    Getting feedback

    To prepare for your appraisal, it is useful to get feedback from, for example, customers, clients and colleagues. You do so in consultation with your supervisor. There are two ways of getting feedback:

    1. If you wish to get feedback from your collegues, you can use the ‘feedback form’, which can be downloaded below. 

    2. If you wish to get feedback on all competencies related to your position, we advise you to use the digital University Job Classification feedback instrument. See the Service Portal page; University Job Classification (UFO)

    • Open the University Job Classification instrument and log in with the user name ut and the password utufo.
    • Select the tab ‘Feedback Instrument’.
    • To ensure proper use, please read the user instructions first.

    How is the annual performance appraisal cycle completed?

    By signing the annual performance appraisal report, the staff member confirms that he/she has taking cognizance of its content and that the report offers a correct representation of the meeting. You can add relevant documents to your annual performance appraisal report. The report is saved in the web application. A copy is saved in the digital archive.

  • Current topics (WP)



    • The annual performance cycle connects organizational objectives and individual agreements. For example our UT core values (entrepreneurial, inclusive and open) and (team-) objectives. 
    • The result areas that apply tot the staff member on te basis of his/ her UFO profile. 
    • Projects and related activities that are relevant to your position. 


    • Professionalization linked to the educational activities of next year.
    • Education tasks (subjects and estimated work hours per week/year and distribution throughout the year).
    • Thesis supervision (names of graduates; as first or second supervisor; estimated time investment per student).
    • Other contributions to education (description, estimated work hours) and educational development (new subjects: content, result, estimated work hours).
    • Summary of subject and student evaluations
    • Roles in education (e.g. (module) coordinator, programme director) and what is the estimated time investment?


    • Publications (quality, quantity, national/international, citation index)
    • Supervision of doctoral candidates and researchers (non-graduates).


    • Activities for the acquisition of external funding (indirect government funding and commercial funding) and results.
    • Current situation research projects (completed, on schedule or delayed, with explanation).


    • Whishes regarding tasks, training or career. On what would you like to spend more time in the coming year? What would be good for you to develop and how could you achieve that?
    • University Teaching Qualification (UTQ)
    • Internationalization: (agreements regarding English language skills and cultural awareness; agreements regarding international staff mobility and career opportunities (scientific and non-scientific staff), for example through subsidy programmes (including Marie Curie, Veni, Vidi, Vici).
    • Intake and advancement of women (to promote women in higher positions)
    • Wishes regarding tasks, training or career. On what would you like to spend more time in the coming year/what would you like to develop and how could you achieve that? Where are you now in terms of your personal development and where would you like to be in 3 to 5 years, either in this organization or elsewhere?
    • Agreements about the use of your development days, as referred to in Article 6.10 paragraph 1 Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.


    • Discussing competencies that are important for your position, your development, and any feedback you obtained. 
    • Developments within the organisation, the team or the discipline, such as Shaping 2030, the core values open, inclusive and entrepreneurial. What new competencies must a staff member acquire?


    • In response to Covid: social isolation, future uncertainty for temporary contracts, workload (digital skills, support), homeschooling, informal care, working conditions (hybride working, work-life balance, home facilities).
    • Sustainable employability: agreements about, for example, working part-time, a combination of work and private life, customization to achieve proper coordination of business and working hours; gradually facilitating the transition to retirement by, among other things, adjusting individual working hours; agreements about the subject and/or job-oriented education/training, coaching, career advice/orientation opportunities, job rotation, etc.
    • Working conditions, work pressure and work stress, safety and health aspects in the workplace.
    • Involvement in employee participation.
    • Ancillary activities.

For support staff (OBP)

  • Annual performance cycle (OBP)

    The UT uses the Annual Performance Appraisal Cycle as an instrument for making agreements with individual staff members and following their progress. This instrument enables us to offer any necessary guidance or direction in a timely fashion and, ultimately, to evaluate the results.

    In this guideline, we will explain what the annual performance appraisal cycle entails and how staff members can prepare for the interview. 


    During the annual performance appraisal cycle, agreements between the supervisor and the staff member are recorded and monitored. This happens twice a year (optional) in an annual performance appraisal and a progress review. 

    The annual performance appraisal 

    Once per calendar year, supervisors and staff members have an annual performance appraisal meeting. This is a two-way discussion that consists of two parts:

    1. Reviewing agreements that have been made in the past year
      We evaluate the results and development of the previous year. As part of the evaluation, the supervisor assesses the results achieved by the staff member. These are measured using a 5-point scale. The overall assessment of the staff member's performance can vary from well above expectations to well below expectations.

    2. Making agreements for the coming year
      We make agreements for the coming year with regard to work results, behaviour and professional development. This is done within the framework of the University Job Classification profile and the corresponding competencies.

     To record and evaluate result agreements, we use AFAS application.

    The Progress review (Optional)

    Halfway through the year, we conduct a progress review (optional) during which the supervisor and staff member take stock of the progress made on the agreements. As part of the review, the current situation regarding agreements made in the annual performance appraisal meeting is considered and the supervisor and staff member discuss whether these agreements need to be adjusted.

    What kind of agreements are made?

    In the AFAS application, agreements are recorded with regard to:

    • Results
    • Behaviour and competency development
    • Career development
    • Miscellaneous  

    What topics could be addressed in the course of the annual performance appraisal?

    The content of the annual performance appraisal is determined by the agreements made in the previous year and the wishes and ambitions of the staff member, as well as by new developments in the organization, team, or discipline. Take a look at the 'Current topics support staff' page for examples and topics.

    How do you prepare for the annual performance appraisal?

    You prepare for the annual performance appraisal by completing the form provided by the AFAS application prior to the meeting. State whether results - agreed upon in the previous year - have been achieved and how. During the meeting, you will discuss the details of the results and the way in which they were accomplished. The feedback you have obtained is also laid down in this form. When you have completed the form, you submit it as a concept to your supervisor. (see a way of working AFAS).


    Always try to specify first what the end result will be once the agreement has been fulfilled. Keep asking yourself the question: “How can I tell that the end result is good? “ and “How can I tell that I am successful?”. As a final check, you assess whether you have formulated the result agreement in a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic and Time-Bound) manner.


    To prepare for your appraisal, it is useful to get feedback from, for example, customers, clients and colleagues. You do so in consultation with your supervisor. There are two ways of getting feedback:

     1. If you wish to get feedback from collegues you can choose to use the ‘feedback form’, which can be downloaded below. 

    2. If you wish to get feedback on all competencies related to your position, we advise you to use the digital University Job Classification feedback instrument. See the Serive Portal page; University Job Classification (UFO)

    • Open the University Job Classification instrument and log in with the user name ut and the password utufo.
    • Select the tab ‘Feedback Instrument’.
    • To ensure proper use, please read the user instructions first.


    By signing the annual performance appraisal report, the staff member confirms that he/she has taking cognizance of its content and that the report offers a correct representation of the meeting. You can add relevant documents to your annual performance appraisal report. The report is saved in the web application. A copy is saved in the digital archive.

  • Current topics (OBP)

    Result agreements

    Setting individual targets based on the objective and core values of your position or job description.

    • The annual performance cycle connects organizational objectives and individual agreements. For example our UT core values (entrepreneurial, inclusive, open) and (team-) objectives.
    • The result areas that apply to the employee on the basis of his/ her UFO profile. 
    • Projects or associated work that are part of an employee’s job description.
    • New tasks that a team must take on, special projects, cooperation with other teams in which the employee can play a role.

    Career development

    Make agreements about your professional development. These may focus on further development in your current position or the next career step within or outside the University of Twente. Wishes regarding tasks, training or career. On what would you like to spend more time in the coming year? What would be good for you to develop and how could you achieve that? When making agreements about career development, consider the possibility to use your development days (according to article 6.10 paragraph 1 Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities).

    Current position (impact within your current position).

    • Training and development (individually and with the team).
    • English-language proficiency/cultural awareness.
    • Mastery of the basics (systems and Office skills). 

    Development within 3 to 5 years

    • Career discussion.
    • Training and development.


    • Discussing competencies that are important for your position, your development and any feedback you obtained.
    • Make agreements on the competencies, attitude and behaviour required to carry out your position. Also determine what development is required.
    • Developments within the organization, the team or discipline. Take account of Shaping 2030, the core values for internationalization, entrepreneurship, synergy-driven and social impact. Which new competencies must an employee acquire or which existing competencies require further development?


    • In response to Covid: social isolation, future uncertainty for temporary contracts, workload (digital skills, support), homeschooling, informal care, working conditions (hybride working, work-life balance, home facilities).
    • Discuss involvement and participation in consultative bodies.
    • Long-term employability: agreements in such areas as working part-time, combining work with private life, an individualized approach to effectively coordinate business hours and working time; gradually facilitating the transition to retirement by, for example, coordinating individual working hours, agreements on training and development relating to the discipline and/or position, coaching, careers advice/options for new directions, job rotation, etc.
    • Working conditions, work pressure and stress, health and safety aspects in the (home-) workplace.
    • Ancillary activities.


Please contact HR Services for any further questions. Tel 053 489 8011.

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