New videographic: how to sort waste at ut?
Students of Green Hub Twente have created a videographic. This video provides information on the amount of waste produced at UT each year. It also shows UT members how to properly sort their waste at UT. Finally, the video also explains what happens with the waste after it has been disposed in the correct waste bin. The goal of the video is informing and activating UT members to dispose of their trash in a correct manner. Watch the video down below and help us realise a waste free campus in 2030!
Waste free campus
In 2030, the UT wants to have a waste free campus and in 2050 a circular campus. The definition of a waste free campus is calculated in accordance with the regional goals for a waste-free Twente (Dutch). For the UT, this means a reduction of residual waste from 43kg to 10.5kg per person per year. To reach this goal, recycling rates on campus will have to improve. In addition to improving waste separation, the UT also wants to decrease plastic (PD) waste from 2.8kg to 2.5kg per person per year. Other waste streams should decrease as well, and there are many ways to do this. For example: making digitally reading and handing in papers the norm, extending the lifetime of electronics and considering waste reduction, prevention and circularity in all new tender processes.
More information about waste separation of the UT for employees and students can be found on the Service Portal.