HomeNewsWhat will UT education look like in the next academic year?

What will UT education look like in the next academic year?

In this message, University of Twente president Victor van der Chijs shares our views on education in the next academic year (2020-2021).

"As a prospective student of the University of Twente, you might have started wondering what your education will look like once the academic year 2020-21 starts amidst this COVID-19 pandemic.

Health and safety is our most important starting point. Therefore we operate according to government guidelines. We also feel it is very important for you to meet and become a part of the UT community, so we’re striving for a balance between the desire to be together on campus and maximum safety. Our 1.5km2 of green campus grounds brings UT’s education, research and student life together whilst providing the necessary space to cope with the 1.5m social distancing to ensure the safety of you, your fellow students and our staff."

On campus if we can, off campus because we can

"In order to prepare us for upcoming academic year, we have already restarted research on campus and starting this month, we are reopening campus facilities for education. Therefore rest assured, as of the end of August onwards, the University of Twente will be opening up campus facilities even further for education and research purposes for the new academic year.
We have always been deeply committed to offering high quality, small-scale teaching and personalised learning to all of our students. For the upcoming academic year this implies that we will provide as much contact time as is possible within COVID-19 government guidelines. Education activities for new first-year students, such as yourself, will be high on the list of priorities, as we believe that a warm and personal welcome is essential for a proper start of your academic career.

Rule of thumb is that practicals, examinations and classes in which being on campus and direct interaction are indispensable, will be offered on campus as often as possible. In situations where social distancing is required, we will have to shift to a digital environment. UT has had quite some practice in teaching online over the past few weeks, as we succeeded in converting our lectures to a digital environment within one week of not being able to teach physically."

We can’t wait to meet you!

"Our teachers and researchers are excited to welcome you, as much as possible in person, at the start of the academic year. We therefore encourage you to complete your application and enrolment process, and to find accommodation if you haven’t done so yet, so you will be able to join us on campus and experience your student life to the fullest."

If you have any questions check our COVID-19 FAQ.  

J.C. Vreeman (Jochem)
Press relations (available Mon-Fri)