



Message for those expecting guests to attend graduation ceremonies (or for other reasons): Although we would like to welcome all at the University of Twente (UT), due to the Corona virus it is not always allowed to travel to the Netherlands or visit the UT. We would like to inform you about this situation. Via the URL below you find a travel advice, particularly for persons travelling from Hubei province. Please take note of this, and forward it to any persons (committee members, family) travelling from China. For the latest update, please consult the UT webpage (https://www.utwente.nl/en/education/student-services/news-events/news/2020/2/134885/coronavirus-update-2)


In case the travel limitations affect your PhD or PDEng defence, please contact us (pedel@utwente.nl) well in time. We would like to see how we can help (for example by setting up a video connection).


Best regards,

Paul van Dijk, director TGS