Coronavirus UPDATE #2

As previously informed the UT is following the advice of public authorities such as the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Municipal Health Services (GGD). Both staff and students are advised not to travel to China.

It is not possible to travel to or within the province of Hubei (Wuhan). Travellers who have visited this area (recently) must observe a 14 day quarantine at their homes and be monitored for symptoms. Travellers coming in from other areas in China (labelled code orange) only need to be monitored for symptoms for 14 days. Those who show any symptoms of the virus must contact their GP straight away and seek further assistance:

  • People who have a GP are to contact them by telephone;
  • Chinese employees/students living in Enschede who do not have a GP are to contact the GP surgery on campus ( or the Stichting Dagwaarneming Enschede by telephone: tel. 0900-431 33 33. They can refer patients to GPs in attendance;
  • Chinese employees/students living outside of Enschede who do not have a GP are to contact the GP nearest to them by telephone.

For this reason, it is most important that new employees and students coming from China have themselves registered with a GP practice as soon as possible.

The UT is required to register which regions in China students and employees have visited before travelling back to the Netherlands, as well as whether they have been in contact with people showing symptoms that match those of the Corona virus. These students and employees must have access to a GP or company physician 24/7.

If you visited China recently and are not sure whether this has been registered, we kindly urge you to pass this information on to your Faculty Internationalisation Co-ordinator (FAINCO) if you are an undergraduate student, or to your HR manager if you are and employee or PhD student.

Stay informed about the latest updates here at the UT website and through the website of RIVM. The RIVM provides information in an FAQ both in English and in Chinese and has a poster that can be downloaded.

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