UTServicesCFMLTSHNewsNew working and learning environment

New working and learning environment Workshop series in April, May June.

Last month the project “Workplaces in the New ITC Building” has been kicked off by conducting a series of interviews with the leadership of the science departments and the support departments.

The goal was to explore aspects such as organizational identity, the processes and the drivers for the new working environment. This has led to a first impression of shared values and ideas for the new building such as maintaining the ITC culture and identity, community building, adaptivity for change and the quality of the workplace.

Through a series of workshops with representatives of the employees and students, the next step will be a more profound investigation of the working processes and workplace requirements. Participants are invited via their leadership.

The first series of workshops is planned for April, the second will take place in May and the final series (per department) in June

Our goal is to have a clear understanding of the possible workplace concepts for ITC before the start of the summer vacation. 

workshop 1 : Investigate per profile the work processes and the conditions which are related to the activities

  • Introduction and background (why these workshops)
  • The working and studying process
    • Activities
    • Requirements
    • Conditions
    • Drivers
    • Collaboration and meeting

  • Discussion  (including a benchmark with other academic institutes)

workshop 2: Explore different workplace/study place options that fit the profile 

  • How can the working and learning environment facilitate the activities and requirements as been gathered and defined in the first workshop?
  • What are options for activities (examples) such as
    • Individual concentrated work and privacy
    • Collaboration with a lot of focus
    • Activities that require confidentiality
    • Brainstorming with a group
    • General deskwork
    • Videoconferencing Etc.
  • What are the conditions that come with each idea or option?
    • For example availability
    • IT requirements
    • Etc.
  • Discussion  (including a benchmark with other academic institutes

The outcome of all workshops is a set of feasible options* for the work – and study environment. The outcome will be discussed with the Faculty Board before the next workshop

*: within the principles of the program of requirements

workshop 3:Define workplace and office floor options that both fit department and profiles

 Departments consist of different types of profiles and have a binding with their students. The combination of profiles, options for the work environment lead to different scenarios for the working environment of a department.

In this third workshop we aim to explore and define the scenarios that fit both the user profile and the department profile.

The outcome must be feasible according to the principles of the program of requirements.

The faculty board and leadership will have to discuss the outcome and decide on the next steps.