HomeEventsInspiration session Twente/Salland

Inspiration session Twente/Salland

Digital healthcare innovations in Twente/Salland region: pearls and brilliant failures

'Inspiration & Creation Session' on Monday, January 20, 2025, especially for healthcare professionals, organized by the eCMC (TechMed Centre, University of Twente). We will share insights on successful projects in eHealth and care pathways, such as in pediatrics and the heart failure digital care pathway. These innovations come from our regional hospitals and primary care facilities and highlight the strong regional collaboration between knowledge institutions, companies and various healthcare organizations. Each innovative care project addresses the steps, elements and collaboration required for successful integration into existing care pathways, as well as the impact on work processes within teams and organization-wide changes across lines.

The second part of this meeting consists of an interactive panel discussion where we will further explore brilliant innovative failures. Experts from different (healthcare) disciplines, together with the audience, will engage in the discussion from various perspectives, such as research, primary care, medical specialists and the patient perspective.

This interactive meeting will take place during the 'Slimme Zorg Estafette 2025'. 

  • Date: January 20, 2025
  • Time: 17.30 - 19.45 
  • Language: Dutch
  • Location: TechMed Centre, Auditorium TL 1133 (Universiteit Twente, Enschede)

Hogeschool Saxion, Deventer Ziekenhuis, Medisch Spectrum Twente (MST) and Ziekenhuisgroep Twente (ZGT)


  • Because the maximum number of registrations has been reached, it is unfortunately no longer possible to register. If you still wish to attend the event, we can place you on a waiting list. 
  • Have you already signed up but can no longer attend? Please unsubscribe so we can add someone from the waiting list to the event.
  • Contact us via our email address: ecmc@utwente.nl.



Care must be delivered in the right place, at the right time, and supported by technology whenever possible and necessary. In this, eHealth and Remote Patient Management (RPM) is a key enabling technology. The eCMC connects science, healthcare and industry to strengthen and accelerate eHealth/Remote Patient Management innovation. The eCMC is starting in the Twente/Salland region, but has clear national and European ambitions.

Fast Forward Innovation for RPM

The eCMC (expertiseCenter for Remote Monitoring & Coaching) is a one-stop system: one place with an extensive and active network providing supporting services for design, development, and implementation of a product, research, and training. The eCMC is an initiative of the University of Twente - TechMed Centre and TNO, cofounded by NeLL and supported by NovelT.