HomeEventsInternational Women's Day | Festive get-together on women's health throughout the lifespan

International Women's Day | Festive get-together on women's health throughout the lifespan

Celebrate International Women's Day with us! Join us on March 8 at the TechMed Centre at the University of Twente for an afternoon of inspiration on women-specific conditions, gender and sex in research and personalized health.

March 8, 2023, marks International Women's Day. To highlight this day amongst everyone on campus, from professors to students and non-scientific staff, the Technology for Women's Health pillar will host a session on women's health on Wednesday March 8, 2023, from 14:00 - 16:30 in the Atrium Technohal. The interactive session includes presentations, panel discussions and showcasing of in-house technology around a broad range of women's health topics, such as vitality and fatigue, pelvic organ prolapse, breast cancer and menstruation.

Supporting staff, students, professors and interested people from outside the UT, everyone is welcome! We welcome you to celebrate International Women's Day with us on March 8!

The presentations will be held in Dutch. Visit the full program and Dutch registration page here

Where & When
  • Date: March 8, 2023
  • Time: 14:00 - 16:30
  • Language: Dutch
  • Format: Live event
  • Location: Atrium Technohal, TechMed Centre (Technohal, no 18), on the campus of the University of Twente, Hallenweg 5, 7522 NH Enschede


Please find the full program here (in Dutch).

The full program for International Women's Day 2023 at UT from March 7 to 10 can be found here


Register for this event
Click here


This session is organized by the research pillar Technology for Women's Health, within the TechMed Centre institute