HomeEventsConference ‘Theorizing Technological Mediation’

Conference ‘Theorizing Technological Mediation’ Sign up and join us!

10 & 16-17-18 November, Department of Philosophy, University of Twente

 We are happy to invite you to a 4-day event around the topic of technological mediation at the University of Twente. As has been emphasized by several authors (e.g. Ihde, Latour, Verbeek), it is not possible to strictly distinguish between humans and technologies. As human beings, we are always interwoven with technologies in our daily practices. At this conference it is our aim to explore the philosophical consequences of this idea in the domains of epistemology, ethics, and transcendence. If our knowledge claims, moral practices, and the limits of man are mediated by the contingent presence of technologies, how must we philosophically conceive of this? On top of having 3 expert workshops on these topics, we invite scholars to send in papers about the idea of technological mediation for a more general workshop on November 17th.

General Program :

November 10th: Technology and Morality

November 16th: Technology and Scientific Knowledge

November 17th: Philosophy of Technology and Technological Mediation

November 18th: Technology and Transcendence

For more information about the specific day programs and registration: click here

This symposium is part of the NWO funded VICI-program: Theorizing Technological Mediation, led by Prof. Dr. Ir. Peter Paul Verbeek.