HomeEventsIs He or She?

Is He or She? Galvanizing corporate diversity

Raising awareness of diversity creates positive change in the public opinion. However, these campaigns don’t really change behaviour. Many organisations have implemented policies to promote diversity. Many of these policies need rethinking to take the desired effect. 

Are you interested in making an impact on a local level using a broad perspective of internationalism and academic diversity?

Work on galvanising corporate diversity through co-creation with us. 

During the 'Is He or She?' event, you can join (high school and university) students for a brainstorm on gender-related issues at companies. Experts will be present to translate these ideas into applicable solutions for businesses. 


  • 09:00 - Welcome, doors open
  • 09:30 - Introduction by Frank Kresin and Flavia Carvalho de Souza. Other inspiring speakers joining us are: Mirjam Bult, Vanessa Evers and Marielle Feenstra.
  • 10:30 - Coffee break 
  • 10:50 - Business elevator pitches by Rabobank, University of Twente, Spectrum
  • 11:20 - Explanation of DesignLab's Science2Design4Society (S2D4S) methodology
  • 11:30 - JOIN
  • 12:00 - Lunch
  • 13:00 - EXPLORE
  • 13:30 - IDEATE
  • 14:45 - PROTOTYPE
  • 15:45 - EVALUATE
  • 16:30 - Closing ceremony
  • 17:30 - Drinks

Register now

'Is He or She' is a free event. You are most welcome to join! Do let us know - also for the catering - if you would like to attend this event.

Is He or She?
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