Courses & research

During your Master’s in Industrial Design Engineering (IDE), you will collect 120 EC within two years. The first year and the first quartile of the second year consist of compulsory and elective courses. You will spend the final three quartiles of your Master’s working on your master’s thesis.

European Credit Transfer System

Student workload at Dutch universities is expressed in EC, also named ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), which is widely used throughout the European Union. In the Netherlands, each credit represents 28 hours of work.


Just like the other two Master’s tracks, the Emerging Technology Design track offers you a lot of freedom to make your own choices. In total, you will collect 75 EC worth of courses. Which courses you are going to follow, is mainly up to you. Roughly speaking, you can draw up your own curriculum around the following components: 

More information on the courses you can follow?
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master's thesis 

You will finish your Master’s with your master’s thesis, which is worth the remaining 45 EC. The majority of the IDE students complete their graduation project at an external organisation. The choice of your specific graduation subject is largely up to you and also the technology direction you have chosen. In recent years, students conducted their theses in many different fields, including sports equipment, co-operative robots (cobots), antibacterial surfaces for healthcare sectors and 3D printing for, for example, spinal cages. 

Your master's thesis could involve undertaking projects such as:
  • Developing a transport system for transplant organs that enables perfusion of organs in cooperation with Dutch transplant centres. 
  • Designing a sound beam product that can be attached to exercising machines to incorporate users’ music preference with the exercising routine for Bang & Olufsen.  
  • Developing a lifting aid that anchors itself on rough surfaces and can resist great transverse forces, just like an octopus. 


Do you want to gain more practical skills and experience within the job field by doing an internship? Although it is not incorporated in the curriculum, you have the opportunity to add an internship to your Master’s. You can add this within a Capita Selecta, which is a course on which you can choose the topic yourself – and needs approval from the examination board. You earn 5 EC by doing this. It means you have to complete part of your internship on your own time. Many of these industrial assignments are executed in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Project Center at the University of Twente. Consult your track coordinator for your options.

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