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Laura, Spain

"Studying abroad at the University of the Balearic Islands is quite a challenge. There are many differences between the Netherlands and Spain, not only culture-wise but also at the university. Mallorca is a beautiful island and Palma is a great place to stay for six months, but at university, you have to have a proactive attitude to make sure you get all the information you need. There’s no Erasmus Student Network (ESN) and coordination for international students isn’t always flawless. You really need to stay in touch with your study coordinator, the International Office and your teachers to stay informed.

Mallorca is a beautiful island, the landscapes and beaches are gorgeous, the residents are extremely nice and it’s perfect for studying Catalan. Finding a room is easy and there is a group of coordinators (former Erasmus students) that is willing to help you with issues like housing, getting your bus pass and residency permit, etc. This group also organises parties, cultural trips and activities such as paintball outings and barbecues. Mallorca is famous for its tourism school, so it attracts lots of students from all over the world.

I’m having a great time over here and I recommend an international experience to anyone who wants to experience new cultures, make new friends and become a better person in general. What you learn here you can’t learn from books or by staying at home. An international experience gives you a new and wonderful perspective on life and the world."

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