About the Experivan
In addition to the specialised lab facilities in the Cubicus and Ravelijn building, the BMS Lab also has a Mobile Lab Facility: the Experivan. The Experivan offers researchers a versatile lab space that they can take to their target population.
The van is already set up with a set of 4G antennas that serve as a hotspot for researchers, PC tower and two foldable wall-mounted work stations containing of two monitors, keyboards and mouse. A receiver connected to speakers and a television for displaying audio and video content to participants. A seating area with a table where researchers can sit down with their participants. The van also comes with a retractable roof tent, making it possible for researchers to be able to set up and conduct experiments with their participants both within or outside of the van.
However, aside from these equipment that are already set up in the Experivan, as a versitile lab space researchers are free to bring their own equipment along, or reserve additional equipment via us for their research. E.g. VR and AR equipment, Eye-tracking, motion and other type of sensors, EEG equipment or recording equipment etc.
Is the Experivan suitable for your research?
Requirements to use the Experivan
Researchers and staff at the University of Twente’s BMS faculty can make use of the mobile lab and reserve it using the normal process for reserving facilities and equipment, see below. However, additional requirements apply to use the mobile lab, see the following:
- Posses the Dutch (or International equivalent) of a B (car) driver’s license for at least 5 years.
- Be a staff member or researcher at the BMS faculty.
Note: Staff members and researchers at other faculties of the University of Twente can make use of the mobile lab, but will have to contact the BMS Lab team. Charges apply. - Have the appropriate insurance coverage for driving a car. This concerns you as a person (mainly liability). The van itself is insured. When taking some more expensive equipment away from campus, you might need to setup additional insurance for the equipment. Inform at the lab to learn more.
- The first day of usage, a BMS Lab team member will join for a trial and perhaps part of the research. He/she will do a walk-through and check before and after use of the mobile lab. You will receive a quick tour beforehand as well and the lab team member will watch you drive the van for a short while.
Note: it is therefore recommended to reserve that mobile lab at least a day before your actual research start so you can prepare yourself and the Experivan mobile lab.
If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding the requirements, then do not hesitate to contact the BMS Lab team!
Best practices Experivan
The Experivan is a high-tech lab on wheels and as such requires more caution and care than a regular rental car or van. Be sure to read the additional policies and instructions provided to you when picking up the van and in addition to pay special attention to the following points:
Want to use the Experivan?
First go through the steps on how to reserve our facilities or go directly through our project registration to start the reservation process. If you have already followed these steps, go directly to our booqable page to make a reservation: