Coming soon: TIIM's New Digital Phenotyping Featureswe strive to equip researchers with tools that push the boundaries of innovation.Read more
Introducing the TIIM Participant Pool: Twente PanelWe are thrilled to announce an exciting new feature recently implemented to the Twente Intervention and Interaction Machine (TIIM): the creation of Twente Panel. This development aims to simplify the often challenging process of recruiting participants for (longitudinal) research studies by creating a pool of prospective participants who are eager to contribute.Read more
Coming soon: TIIM's New Digital Phenotyping Features
Introducing the TIIM Participant Pool: Twente Panel
Important information about the Empatica E4 wristband
The BMS Lab is moving
Minor: Introduction to Neuroscience for Business and Society
National XR Day: Call for Proposals
Qualtrics Conjoint at the BMS Lab
Introducing the New and Improved BMS Lab Project Registration System
Introducing TIIM 3.0 Update
Expanding Horizons
Virtual Nature At Kent State University, Ohio, USA