Library registration & account

To make use of the full range of the University Library services as a University of Twente staff member or student, make sure you register and/or login to your personal account (direct access) in FindUT. If you are not a UT staff member or student, you can obtain a library card at the University Library Service Desk or by filling in the application form online in advance after which you’ll receive an email with more information on the card and when it is ready for pick up.

  • Alumni
    • Alumni can obtain a UT library card for free at the University Library service desk  
    • Alumni can borrow up to 15 books  
    • With the temporary day account alumni have online access to literature within the IP-range of the University of Twente / when on campus 
    • In addition, access to the JSTOR database is possible via the alumni portal. Visit this page to learn how to obtain the login details.
  • Retired UT staff, Saxion employees and students of other Dutch universities
    • This group of users can obtain a free library card at the University Library service desk
    • This group of users can borrow up to 15 books
    • With the temporary day account this group of users has online access to literature within the IP-range of the University of Twente / when on campus
  • Visitors / Entrepreneurs
    • Visitors / entrepreneurs can obtain a library card for 15 euros per year at the University Library service desk  
    • Visitors / entrepreneurs can borrow up to 15 books  
    • With the temporary day account visitors / entrepreneurs have online access to literature within the IP-range of the University of Twente / when on campus 
  • Saxion students
    • Saxion students can obtain a library card at the reduced price of 3 euros per year at the University Library service desk after showing a valid Saxion student card
    • Saxion students can borrow up to 15 books  
    • With the temporary day account Saxion students have online access to literature is within the IP-range of the University of Twente / when on campus 
  • Regulations & Charges

    Most of the databases and e-journals are licensed to the University of Twente. You are only allowed to access these information sources if you are a student or employee of the University of Twente. Use is restricted to personal use for research or education. Restricted downloading is allowed, again only for personal use.

    Library users must adhere to the library rules and regulations:

    To consult the charges for services provided by the University Library, please go to Charges library services 

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