UT workstation for employees

The UT Workstation can be seen as a package of ICT facilities, software and hardware. UT employees requiring a UT Workstation for their job, may be eligible for this type of package.  This package of ICT facilities is offered in different ways/options.

This is therefore not a free choice.

  • Description

    LISA offers three types of UT workstations:

    • The Modern workplace
      You can order a Modern Workplace here
      Order now

      Only notebooks will get a UT Modern Workplace installation and are suited for hybrid working. Home delivery will be an option soon, our hardware supplier has already provided the required UT installation.

      The Windows Known Folders (Desktop, Documents and Pictures) are directly linked to your OneDrive for Business environment of the University of Twente.

      The UT Modern Workplace only needs an active internet connection, no matter where the workplace is (home, office, on the road etc), to be kept up to date in order to work with the University of Twente environment safely and with the correct settings.  

      The UT Modern workplace consists of Microsoft 365 Enterprise (Office 365, Windows 10/11, Enterprise Mobility + Security).


      A small set of software is already installed on a UT Modern workplace.

      • Office 365
      • Teamviewer
      • eduVPN
      • Software Center (UT-licensed software) 
      • Printers (Follow-Me)

      Additional software can be found at the Notebook Service Centre.

      Freeware applications like Acrobat Reader can be downloaded via the website of the supplier.


      There are different types of storage available. Data can be stored on the M- or P-drive; this is storage is on campus (managed by UT). Cloud services are also available such as OneDrive for Business, Surfdrive, etc. Please, take care of how and where you store your data. Not all of these solutions are suitable for confidential data. For more information, contact the Service Desk ICT.


      LISA is responsible for the security of the UT Modern workplace. Defender for Endpoint and Bitlocker are examples of applications meant to secure the computer. Defender for Endpoint is the anti-virus and anti-malware software. Bitlocker encrypts the system drive of the computer to prevent a data leak in case of computer loss. More information: Cyber Safety.


      • Quick reference guide: Windows 10 / Windows 11
      • To keep your workstation in a good condition it is advised to restart your workstation regularly. The advice is to restart it at least once a week.
      • To activate Microsoft Office 365, logon with your UT e-mail address and password.
      • Type in the start-menu 'Default app settings' to change the default web browser or the program PDF-files are opened with.
      • Your Bitlocker key is stored in Azure AD. As the owner of the device, you will find the Bitlocker Key on: https://myaccount.microsoft.com/device-list
      • Change your password (ICT account) via https://selfservice.utwente.nl/.
      • For more ICT manuals, please visit the LISA service portal. More information about installing a variety of software can be found here. 
    • The UT managed workstation
      You can order a UT managed workstation here
      Order now

      UT managed workstations are desktops, installed with Windows 10.


      A small set of software is already installed on a UT managed workstation.

      • Office 365
      • Teamviewer
      • eduVPN
      • Software Center (UT-licensed software) 
      • Printers (Follow-Me)

      Additional software can be found at the Notebook Service Centre.

      Freeware applications like Acrobat Reader can be downloaded via the website of the supplier.


      There are different types of storage available. Data can be stored on the M- or P-drive; this is storage is on campus (managed by UT). Cloud services are also available such as OneDrive for Business, Surfdrive, etc. Please, take care of how and where you store your data. Not all of these solutions are suitable for confidential data. For more information, contact the Service Desk ICT.


      LISA is responsible for the security of the UT Modern workplace. Defender for Endpoint and Bitlocker are examples of applications meant to secure the computer. Defender for Endpoint is the anti-virus and anti-malware software. Bitlocker encrypts the system drive of the computer to prevent a data leak in case of computer loss. More information: Cyber Safety.


      • To keep your workstation in a good condition it is advised to restart your workstation regularly. The advice is to restart it at least once a week.
      • To activate Microsoft Office 365, logon with your UT e-mail address and password.
      • On the taskbar there is an icon 'Mail', that application cannot be used for the e-mail at the UT. Always use Microsoft Outlook.
      • Type in the start-menu 'Default app settings' and it is possible to change the default web browser or the program PDF-files are opened with.
      • You can change your password (ICT account) via https://selfservice.utwente.nl/.
      • For more ICT manuals, please visit the LISA service portal. More information about installing a variety of software can be found here.
    • The customized UT workstation

      Little support can be offered by the Service Desk for bespoke workstations. The support is mainly supplied by 2nd line and possibly 3rd line supporters. LISA and the administration unit that has the bespoke workstation will always enter into a separate contract for bespoke work each year.

      In any case, the following workstations are considered to be bespoke workstations:

      • workstations in faculty PC rooms;
      • workstations that have not been purchased through the standard UT procurement process;
      • workstations that on account of safety requirements are not connected to the UT network in a standard manner;
      • workstations that, on account of educational or research requirements or because of the software to be used cannot be managed in an automated manner (In any case, Active Directory, Desktop management client and Antivirus client are required);
      • workstations that are not able to use the standard supporting operating systems;
      • workstations that do not fulfil the minimum hardware requirements of the standard supporting operating system.

    More information
    Click here
  • Requests

    If, as a new employee, you are given a new position for which a UT Workstation is not yet available, you can request a new UT Workstation. You can do this with your faculty's approval. You can request a new UT Workstation from the Service Desk ICT.

  • Costs

    You can find more information about the costs of this service on the self-service portal

  • Conditions

    To be able to request a UT Workstation, you:

    • have to have a UT employee registration;
    • have to have an approval issued by the head of the faculty in charge of budgets;
    • have to not yet have a UT Workstation available to you, whilst that is a requirement for the position you will occupy.
  • Delivery

    In the event of replacement and delivery, the new UT Workstation is supplied within two days.

  • Support

    For support, use the self-service portal and the manuals. Should you have any other questions or should a fault occur, please contact the Service desk ICT.

Please visit the Self Service Portal to order hardware
Click here
UT Workstation

More information about workstation and quick reference to log on for the first time can be found here.


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