The communication team helps you find the right channel to communicate your message or enhance your communication skills.
Whether you need to communicate within your team/department or UT-wide about a certain topic, we provide the basic information below but are happy to assist with individual advice if necessary.
Communication channels
Our internal news websites are the primary communication channels to communicate with students and employees. To submit news/events for the Service Portal (for employees) or Student Services site use the news/event submission form (also available as a Dutch form).
UT style and language
No matter which role we play within UT, we all communicate with each other. But perhaps you would like to receive some advice on what approach to use, how to best convey your message, and by what means. Or you may want someone to offer suggestions every now and again. And what about improving your communication skills? If you are interested in any of the services provided, please contact your unit's communication team:
- Change communicationGood internal communication skills are an important instrument in times of change (say, a reorganisation, relocation, modernisation or implementation of some kind). The MC Communications department offers advice and support to managers having to communicate change. This may take the form of providing suggestions with respect to communication targets, the strategy to use, participation, the message to convey, tool development, possible means of communication, training and coaching. The sooner MC is involved in the process, the more they can help. If you would like to receive advice and/or support in communicating change, please contact your unit's Communication department. For the full version, see the Dutch page. Service Portal - MC MC contact at your unit
- Community buildingOn this page you can find information about community building at UT. The handbook can be a valuable tool you can use for building new communities and strengthening existing ones. As described in Shaping2030, strong communities are a priority in shaping individuals, connections and society. In the meantime, at the UT, much has been said about communities and community building without going into the how, what, who, where and when. In this document we lay down the basis for community building for the UT. The handbook has been written with the aim to provide a sufficient starting point for everyone at the University of Twente (UT) in setting up and strengthening communities. The Community Building Handbook (PowerPoint) is a generic resource on community building, with the applicability of various passages from the handbook depending on the group concerned. It is a take-whatever-you-need-from-this-handbook since every community is unique and therefore requires a unique and customised approach. The handbook is specifically
- Crisis instructionsCrisis organisation Human Resources has drawn up a UT-wide crisis plan for large-scale calamities, such as a fire, an explosion or a bacterial infection, which is in line with the City of Enschede emergency plan. Because communication is very important during a crisis, the Marketing & Communications department (MC) has drawn up an extra crisis communication plan. The plans are continuously updated and acted out in practice runs. More information about our crisis organisation can be found on the crisis response page (Note: this is an Intranet page). In short, what to do in crisis situation? In case of fire • Dial (053-489)2222 • Provide information about the location, possible victims and the size of the fire • Alarm the people around you • If possible, try to extinguish the starting fire. Otherwise, leave the area immediately • Follow the escape path marking to the nearest exit or emergency exit • Always follow the instructions of the emergency assistance team (BHV) • Keep onlookers at a distance Accident/acute
- Effective text and email creationMarketing & Communication and UT Language Centre have put the most important tips for you here. In addition to practical tips for writing an effective article or email, we also give tips on using images and the UT house style. We give an overview of which UT templates are available and where you can download the UT logo. Writing guidelines How do you write a good e-mail In this section, we will consider the specific aspects that are important for writing a good email. Just to be clear, the practical tips set out in the style guide still apply, of course, to writing a clear email. Thus, where necessary, the tips for email traffic will also include references to the style guide. Subject The subject is an important part of any email. Based on the subject, the recipient can select and filter the messages in their mailbox before reading them. If nothing else, a good choice of subject will make it more likely that your message will actually be read. Thus, use a clear subject line that reflects the contents of the email
- Hot vending machines screensWe have three types of vending machines which screens you can use for internal ut-wide corporate communication for students and employees.
These screens are, compared to the narrowcasting screens in the buildings, for internal ut-wide content only. - Submit news and events