On Friday, September 6 2019, Mr. Hasib Mustafa successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled ‘(Ultra) Short Pulsed Laser Surface Texturing of Zinc’. He received his doctorate degree 'cum laude'.
Hasib conducted his research in the Chair of Laser Processing, Faculty of Engineering Technology, department of Mechanics of Solids, Surfaces & Systems (MS3)), under the supervision of Prof. Gert-willem Römer and Dr. David Matthews. Hasib explored the use of ultrashort pulsed laser sources to texture zinc surfaces.
about his Research
The interaction of a solid with its environment primarily depends on its surface properties - i.e. its surface chemical composition and its surface texture. By texturing the surface, the functionality of solid matter can be changed. Obtainable surface textures depend largely on the processing tool used to create the texture. In comparison to other material processing techniques, laser surface texturing offers a flexible, efficient and clean process with more accurate control over the features of the processed surface. From the point of global usage, zinc is the fourth most used metal after iron, aluminium and copper. The majority of the globally produced zinc is used for galvanizing for its excellent corrosion resistance and cathodic protection property. The extensive use of galvanized steel in modern society makes zinc one of the most visible metals in the world. Hasib’s thesis studies the use of ultrashort pulsed laser sources to texture zinc surfaces with a focus on the control of the ablation process and resulting local morphology, both in its bulk and coated form, and explores possible means towards industrial implementation.
Hasib has shown an unrivalled and relentless commitment to his research. On an academic level, his work has been recognized at international conferences, where he won awards for posters and presentations. He has achieved exemplary results of both academic and industrial significance in this breakthrough research field. This is reflected in, as much as, 8 papers which have been, either already published or are submitted to, peer-reviewed high-impact journals. It is also reflected in, at least, 3 patents his work has generated for Tata Steel Europe. The industrial relevance of his work has been recognized at the World Wide Tata Innovista awards.