HomeNewsJoin the Let's move challenge

Join the Let's move challenge From 11-30 March the Sports Centre UT will be yellow!

The Sports Centre encourages the entire UT community to start exercising and collect MOVEs. Compete with other participants at the UT and global (more than 1000 locations)! All the information about how to join can be found on utwente.nl/letsmove.

Donate to a good cause

We will collect MOVEs to raise money for the Symbitron + Exoskeleton Race Team. Their team wants to win the Cybathlon 2020 and expand their research on Exoskeleton modules which helps people with Paraplegics (dwarslaesie) to walk again.
The pilot of the Symbitron + Exoskeleton Race Team is Niek de Jonge, he survived cancer 3  times! But during the healing process the cancer gave him paraplegia (dwarslaesie). Being the pilot of an Exoskeleton gives him energy and makes him happy. Read more about the Exoskeleton and Niek on www.wearableroboticslab.nl/Symbitron-Exoskeleton-Race-Team/


1. Help us to raise money by donating your MOVEs or make a donation steunutwente.nl/project/exoskeleton-race-team!
2. Check the flyer for the steps how to join the Let’s move challenge!
3. Tell your friends, family and colleagues and others to do the same!  

Bite the lemon challenge

Take part in the bite the lemon challenge and bite the lemon! With the challenge we want to motivate people to donate money or to start collecting MOVEs. Post an video on social media where you are biting in a lemon, nominate two others to do the same within 24 hours. They don’t want to? Then they have to donate money/collect MOVEs for the Symbitron+ Exoskeleton Race Team!
Biting the lemon, donate money and collecting MOVEs makes you a real winner!

Let's move as an UT-community and support the Symbitron+ Exoskeleton Race Team!