HomeNewsDebate Preventieakkoord - 24 January 2019

Debate Preventieakkoord - 24 January 2019

Debate Preventieakkoord - 24 January 2019

(Source: TechMed newsletter February 2019 - edition 2)    

With a beautiful poem by Willem Wilmink, Femke Nijboer opened the impressive event "Healthy Humor presents: Debate Preventieakkoord". What started as a good idea, grew into a "sold-out" event in the atmospheric theater of Concordia in Enschede. The humorous approach appeals well to the public. The public debate and the short lectures of different stakeholders also create a sense of awareness and pride, because here in Twente we are doing well!

More information about the debate program, the moderators and the panel: https://www.utwente.nl/en/events/!/2019/1/449062/healthy-humour-presents-een-ongezouten-mening-over-het-preventieakkoord

This event was organized by the strategic program Personalized eHealth Technology (part of TechMed Centre, University of Twente. If you want more information about this program, please check this link

For an impression of the event, click here.