Tuesday 24 July 2018
Prof dr M.E. (Maria) Iacob (research group IEBIS at BMS) will succeed dr L. (Luís) Ferreira Pires as director of the BIT programme. In this way, we execute the agreement that the directorship of this programme is alternately filled by both faculties EEMCS and BMS.
Prof ir A. (Arend) Rensink will be the new programme director of Computer Science, starting 1 September. He succeeds prof.dr.ir. G.J. (Geert) Heijenk, who was programme director for a period of more than 3 years.
I am convinced that both programmes are in good hands with the new programme directors and I wish Maria and Arend all the best in their new roles.
On behalf of the faculty board,
Joost Kok