HomeNewsThe symposium programm is set!

The symposium programm is set!

The programm of our lustrumsymposium is set:

Chairman: Michel Vellekoop (UvA)

10.55u Opening by Joost Kok, dean of EEMCS

11.00u Lecture Nelly Litvak (University of Twente)

11.30u Lecture Erik Fledderus (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)

12.00u Lecture Jacqueline Scherpen (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)

12.30u Lunch

14.00u Pitches by students explaining their research

14.30u Lecture Erjen Lefeber (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)

15.00u Koffiepauze

15.30u Lecture Maartje van de Vrught (Leiden University Medical Center)

16.00u Final presentatie Anatoliy Babic (SciSports) 

16.30u Closing remarks by the chairman

And, if you like, we finish this day with an Italian Buffet organised by WSG Abacus